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  1. I've been dealing with this for 2 months now, did you ever find a solve? D6000 docks, E5580 and 5580 laptops. IPC$/Admin$/C$ connections fail but only on dock. Destroys many of our remote management processes. All machines on D6000s were affected; I bought another D6000 to test, and it works on my desk, but doesn't work if I move it to a user's office (nor does the user's D6000 work on my bench). Same image and OU/group membership, same SCCM collections. In theory the software/firmware stacks should be identical. In between all tests, DNS was flushed on both machines, DHCP leases for both machines were cleared, and DNS entries in AD were cleared for both machines. I thought it was NBT too, but IP fails respectively with hostnames. I thought it was hardware, but I have a single D6000 that has worked on my desk but won't work anywhere else and the other IT teams can't replicate my working test. I thought it was software, but I've tried every possible revision of the dock FW and driver. I thought it was Windows, but I've tried 7SP2, 1607-1803. I have literally done ~200 tests changing one thing at a time. Some people report this issue with WD15 docks, but all of my WD15 docks work fine, same driver as D6000. My brain hurts.
  2. I did a dumb thing, car friends. I leased a V6 for 3 years with the intent to buy a '14-'15 Scat Pack once the Giulia refresh hit in 2018. FCA announced like 2 weeks ago (almost a year into my lease) that the refresh was being delayed until 2020. The plan was the '18 refresh would tank the value of the then-old generation + standard depreciation.. .I could get in really cheap, or so I thought. I just found out about the delay and I'm staring at it like 'I hate you but I love you, it's not you it's me.' Massive regret atm, but she's still pretty, right?
  3. Came for Active Directory discussion, left disappointed I guess I'd prefer a screenshot if you don't have brand recognition. The screenshot would have to be good, though, and the ad should make clear the purpose of the app. If I don't know what you do, you need to show me why I should care.
  4. Okay, so nobody wants to have an adult conversation on the matter. This is clearly not the place for me, then. Both sides of the aisle have viable points that could be debated; seems everyone here just wants to slander the other side because they're outside their confirmation bubble. Toodles, and enjoy Trump's America. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
  5. The difference is Islam's bigotry is systemic. It is literally part of the religious belief structure; codified in Sharia law. America outlaws these things. The two are not at all similar. Mohammad was a pedophile. It's right there in the Quran.
  6. I haven't seen you make a point yet, just play tennis with words. Do you actually have any value to add to the discussion?
  7. I can definitely see and even partly sympathize with your position; however I voted for Trump and at this point I have no regrets. That may change during his term, but for now I am hopeful.
  8. Proud of my country. Hillary belongs in prison and is just another corrupt establishment politician. Trump was our best option. The fact that the U.S. electorate saw right through the flat-out false accusations of sexism, racism etc, is just fantastic. The media lost. The establishment lost. Freedom won.
  9. I'm new here, but this is exactly why I finally signed up for the forums. I've been watching Linus for like 4 years now. Do you know how I can go about this officially? I haven't found anything on the usual stickies.
  10. Read my experience if you want my opinion, posted on another thread https://linustechtips.com/main/topic/634246-hows-full-sail-university-online-game-dev/?do=findComment&comment=8234268
  11. I actually was enrolled in this program and came here after seeing that LMG picked up Full Fail as a sponsor (I'm disgusted, frankly). In fact, I heard somewhere that if we have feedback with a sponsor we are encouraged to bring it to LMG's attention; that's why I'm here but I haven't figured out exactly where/how to do so yet. IF YOU VALUE YOUR TIME, MONEY, AND FUTURE STAY AS FAR AWAY AS POSSIBLE FROM THIS COMPANY. Story time. I enrolled in August 2012 for Game Design online. I was not an on-campus student, things may be different there. The enrollment process was extremely pushy. They used emotional triggers, called incessantly, and constantly talked about all the perks of being a "student," like the fancy Apple equipment that would cost me 160% market value plus interest. Oh, Launch Box, how you haunt my credit rating. Once I finished enrollment (my enrollment advisors were Shaun Exantus and Jessica Robbins--I remember the names because I realized my mistake in trusting them), I was able to have a conversation with precisely one more employee at the school over the next 6 months. Repeated attempts at contacting instructors by e-mail were unsuccessful. The courses I completed consisted of 2 short books--A Theory of Fun by Raph Koster and The Ultimate History of Video Games by Steven L. Kent (both are good reads, but the former is amazing)--as well as several videos including the YouTube series Extra Credits. Original curriculum was non-existent, so calling this a University is quite hilariously inaccurate. All of it was available from other sources. Maybe I didn't get far enough in to experience the Full Fail difference, but I digress. Less than halfway through my program I was already realizing that I was not a student. I was simply a conduit through which student loans could flow. To wit, there are many stories from former employees (I refuse to call them instructors or professors in this context) that they were pressured into passing students who weren't supposed to pass simply to move them along in the program to keep loans coming and quotas met. The irony of this truth is that despite my enrollment guides' reassurances to the contrary; my degree would be utterly useless to any company that wasn't involved in the Full Sail gravy train. Full Sail is not accredited, even their general ed per-requisite course credits will not transfer. The "instructors" genuinely didn't seem to care about these classes, this was especially obvious during video classes where several questions were outright ignored. The truth is absolutely nothing about the experience was positive (other than the books, which I ended up paying well over shelf price for). Support was non-existent when problems arose - and at the time they arose frequently. Perhaps this is why, in late 2012 or early 2013 (it's been a while, sue me) Full Sail's online campus underwent a complete re-design. There was no warning either via e-mail or via instructors. The login page for the student portal was broke for a week. This happened 2 days before finals were to be made available. Every single student in my class at the time failed because we couldn't take the final. Did Full Sail make arrangements, apologize or even acknowledge the problem? No. In fact, we were all charged for the re-take, and those who had used their 2 'free' re-takes had the cost of the class added to their tuition. Some of those students were forced to contact financial aid to make arrangements. I had had enough. My useless degree was not worth a projected $57,000, let alone getting it by these means. I cut my losses and withdrew. About a month later, I received a $7,500 bill from Full Sail for classes I hadn't taken or even scheduled yet. I told them to kiss my ass, and I switched to a general IT education... 12 IT certs later and I couldn't be happier with my choice. The debt of my error still haunts me, but I learned a valuable lesson. Don't take my word as gospel if you don't want, this is after all my first LTT forum post. Look around on the interwebs and you'll find horror stories just as bad if not worse, along with reviews from former "students" and "instructors" alike. TL;DR Stay away from Full Fail "University"