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Everything posted by KING OF THE DIRTY DANS

  1. I personally prefer 1440p I own that same monitor you're looking at (I love it) Ultrawide is not great for all games, so I wouldn't get it
  2. Good to see a Yakuza fan in the wild. If the battery box is a problem, I would recommend an xbox one controller. Not to mention the triggers are way bigger
  3. Just use a 360 controller. I love the OG xbox, but the Duke is excessive. I use a 360 controller no problem and my hands are 19.5 x 10 cm
  4. That's a fair concern. I would pop another stick in there, and overclock the Ram, if you get the chance
  5. Did water from the cloth get into the drives? Do you have windows update on? (might have fucked with it overnight)
  6. IDK Pay for the fast shipping if you have too i guess
  7. Make an account on Amazon.jp, and make a free trial of prime, cancel it asap after you get your case
  8. Phone a friend, or import one through Amazon.jp
  9. Get this https://www.amazon.com/MSI-GV62-8RD-275-Performance-i5-8300H/dp/B07MCDNHJ3/ref=sxin_2_ac_d_rm?keywords=gaming+laptop&pd_rd_i=B07MCDNHJ3&pd_rd_r=7961f51b-3dff-4a6f-a358-7515e6428dcf&pd_rd_w=ih47A&pd_rd_wg=3VOjb&pf_rd_p=0bc35c17-1e0d-4808-b361-20ab11b00973&pf_rd_r=4Y1S0MTWJPJDV4G7957M&qid=1560030141&s=gateway
  10. A lot of Japanese cases would fit the bill They are data hoarders due to a lower internet standard there
  11. What grade level? If its not late HS or College, just get whatever I would get something with an SSD for sure
  12. Either or I like the AOC's looks better But they are both good spec
  13. I would get any song with a repeated chord structure (A horse with no name, Most T-Series songs, Deadmans gun, heart of gold, etc) and find a beat saber version of it, or make it
  14. I would change your homepages to whatever you prefer.
  15. I have a 4k Samsung it was 300-400, just had no HDR. Works decent with my Framemeister
  16. Use these, to attach the 2 cables to look clean, screw soldering
  17. I had to put something here, idk why
  18. I would factor in a bigger set of hard drives (8tb?)
  19. Solution Get a cheap usb hub, break off the housing and tape it to the bottom of your board Then prop the feet up and call it good
  20. Get a Ryzen APU (gpu like a 1050 ti?? your choice) Use a cheap board like a Red Dragon or a logitech low end. Use only SDDS
  21. Ryzen 3700x 2080/2080Ti 16 or 32 gb of ram Good motherboard
  22. The New Mac Pro is a good cheese grater. And that will come in handy, since you will be eating Government cheese after dropping 10K USD...
  23. Either... Do you want RGB and rubber grips (deathadder), or do you want a good shape (ec2-a)?