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Everything posted by sirtoby

  1. And imagine the visibility. This is what happenes when you give designers too much room ffs
  2. Just saw the new Espace driving by. My god, that thing is revolting. It looks like somebody took a normal people carrier and put something very heavy on top.
  3. I assume it's for an on board capture card. That's the only thing that it would make sense for. Also, because Gigabyte includes appropriate cables to plug your GPU into the board as you can see here
  4. This helped me when I spilled a small amount of coke on my mechanical keyboard.
  5. I quite like LeBlanc. Even if he's shit at hosting, he'll at least look good doing it. She said that she wasn't going to be a regular host. Might be more of a regular guest feature kind of thing
  6. Yesterday I finished my first 1000KM in my Golf. I’ve had it for about a month now and I thought I’d give you a quick review. This is my first own car; I didn’t need one until then because my Dad had a car that he didn't use, so I could take that to commute to university. Let’s get the boring stuff out of the way: 2004 Golf 5 1.4 75hp, five speed manual, 139.200KM, pretty good condition. I drive about 85% of my commute on the Autobahn at 80-85 mph. Due to this and the fact that the gearbox is set up for city driving (You can easily drive 30 (mph) in 5th), my fuel consumption is relatively high for a 1.4 at about 30-31 mpg. Despite that, I really like the car. Yes, it’s boring, but I like it. It’s got comfortable heated seats, it was very easy to install an aux input into the stereo so it's got bluetooth now, it’s reliable and quiet. Very quiet in fact. I found that out when I tested how close I can get to the top speed (166 km/h) of the car. My speedometer stopped at about 170, but even though the car was sitting at 5.500 revs it stayed quieter than the Touran (that I was driving previously) at any speed. Two things aren’t so great though: The gearbox is fiddly; It’s way too easy to accidently shift into third rather than first at a red light if you’re not paying full attention. Secondly, it doesn’t have cruise control. Now if you’ve never had cruise control in your car, it’s like an SSD. You don’t think you need it until you’ve actually had it. The Touran had it and it made Autobahn driving much more relaxed. One more thing that I found quite odd: I’m currently paying around 75€ per month for insurance. The 150hp VW Touran I drove before cost 55€ a month. Insurance would even be cheaper on a 250hp Audi A6 at around 70€. I don’t even have a lot of claim free years as I’m 21. I assume that insurance companies are rolling dice to determine your insurance. Maybe it's because a lot of young drivers buy this car, but they usually go for a Polo.
  7. Depending on the condition and if you've kept the box and the reciept, between 55-70€. I guess you'll get a bit less, as there are morons currently on tech forums telling people that the CX line is a fire hazard (which it isn't)
  8. This makes me very excited. It would be a great step to be less reliant on Youtube.
  9. Looks good. One thing that I would change is the keyboard. You mentioned earlier that you would have liked to fit a 980, which you could if you go with a 20€ keyboard for now and upgrade it when you've got money. The 980s go for 480-510€. I just saw that you'll be moving to Karlsruhe, which is about 45min away from where I live. So if you need some help, send me a message .
  10. The RM series is a bit of a difficult one. Its build qualty isn't great (cheap caps on the secondary circuit), and you can get much better units for less, like the Seasonic G550W which costs 20$ less than the RM550
  11. Holy crap, that thing is a shitshow. A 600W PSU that is actually 550W but only on peaks and 450W continuous. I'd replace that asap. What to replace it with? Don't get distracted by the "geniuses" claiming it to be a fire hazard which it isn't. I wouldn't buy one though, as there are now PSUs available that feature a much better build quality for the same price. EDIT: Newegg currently has a 20 dollar mail in rebate on the CX500M. 35$ for an alright modular (real)500W unit? I'd go for it. Especially if you just want to replace an actual fire hazard EDIT EDIT: I'm a moron. Forgot to switch PCPP to Canada. In that case, I'd go with a EVGA 500B (~65$ with MIR)
  12. Are you trying to get into Canda or something?
  13. I just had a quick look. You can get 8 Port switches with VGA and PS2 for around 100€ here. I've got no idea if they're any good. Your safest bet would be TekSyndicate
  14. There aren't a lot of people here that are familiar with stuff like that. I've used a few KVMs but only 2 port ones. I would suggest that you ask on a forum that has a few more IT professionals on it like TekSyndikate
  15. I never said that nobody heard of Acer Of course they have, because BLU are one of the seven manufacturers that make Windows Phones. Look at the App selection. It's like shopping in a North Korean Super-Market. The reason why iOS gets away with small batteries, is because their OS is good at energy management. You can leave an iPhone unplugged overnight and it will will loose 3-5% charge. Do the same with a Android 5 or before (Haven't used one since) device and you're down 20%.
  16. Now you're being silly. Let's look at Windows phone: In Germany, right now you can choose from 30 different WP devices that have been released since the first of January 2015. 21 of those are Lumia devices. The remaining 9 are either made by Acer or companies I've never heard of (Trekstor? Blu? Archos?). No major Phone maker bothered to make a new Windows Phone since 2014. WindowsPhone is as dead as it gets.
  17. There are people out there who prefer smaller screens. I find anything above 5 inches ridiculous and impractical.
  18. You can slap as many turbos to it as you want, I still prefer the sound of a V6, but it'll sound great regardless. Porsche should announce that the 911 gets a 4-cylinder as a joke, so all the "old-911" fans get a stroke. I just love how Porsche is pissing them off more and more
  19. That new flat-4 engined Boxster looks incredible The only downside I see with the flat-4 is the sound, but maybe Porsches engineers have worked some magic.