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Everything posted by suicidalfranco

  1. DOA Calling It now. At least jibo will have someone to play with
  2. don't really care about Apple, my comment was only targeted at mocking the fanboys who kept shifting the blame away from their lord and savior
  3. Not like they have microphone in every corner of their houses listening and recording everything they say
  4. so much for those people who still claim that apple was never in the wrong and only haters had their phone shutting down
  5. Glad I no longer use this garbage of an OS
  6. I'm sorry. Will 1499 lashes be enough to obtain forgiveness? Forgive me great lord and savior Tim for i have sinned!
  7. psssssssssssssssssssssssssssssst...................................... <whisper>look at the bottom</whisper> and those employee were apple's from the beginning, cause all belong to apple!
  8. No, no, guys. Stop acting like apple haters. Clearly Masimo is only a patent troll cause apple can never do wrong. Apple is the perfect company, a shinning beacon of light in an industry filled with copycats and patent trolls. Masimo clearly stoled the idea from apple who had it in the works probably a decade earlier than everyone else cause Apple is so innovative and so much in the future compared to the rest of the evil companies. /S
  9. Meh It turned into a corporate show where building hype train was the only focus. Glad to see it go the way of the dodo
  10. Some people buy playstations solely for CoD. FIFA isn't the only football game out there, PES exists. But the consumer base is so brain-dead they'll buy the same game year after year and justify the purchase of a new system just for that series of game. Personally I'm done blaming publishers, They're doing the right thing: making as much money as humanly possible. I now put the blame on the idiots who keeps throwing their money away at them.
  11. and i dont get people fascination with not downloading extra, better apps
  12. because google message is like iMessage, IP texts to everyone who has google message installed, SMS to everyone else. Designed to as shit as iMessage. Not worth it imo
  13. cause outside of the US SMS texting is a dead technology that got massively replaced by WhatsApp in some regions, WeChat in others. No reason to use SMS when it's less convenient, more expensive, less feature rich, limited in characters and files you can send etc...
  14. May be the time I built a new system since I can't find a i7-6700 For a reasonable price
  15. stopped carrying after the first remake and after we were free to roam outside. Also no reason to waste more than 100GB of disk space for a mediocre game.
  16. Which I do. All games, specially the action-adventure one, have pretty much turned into copies of Assassin's Creed 1. Have stopped playing them all ever since, only buy those that truly stand out, or actually attempt to shift the formula.
  17. So much hype for a game that will just be a copy paste of GTA5
  18. Remember when people where being called crazy for thinking that governments would abuse their power if given the ability to arbiter free speech? Here we are boys, everything they don't like is now misinformation
  19. just a friendly reminder that everything that a governments touches instantly rots