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About c.bert

  • Birthday April 18

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  • CPU
    x4 760k
  • Motherboard
    MSI A75 E53
  • RAM
    8gb corsair vengeance
  • GPU
    Palit gtx 660
  • Case
    Cooler Master elite 120
  • Storage
    500gb western digital blue
  • PSU
    Corsair CX500
  • Operating System
    Windows 7
  1. They need some sort of standard API for games that VR makers and Game devs all use so that you can chose the hardware you want without game devs having to code for five different VR headsets otherwise it is going to be a mess
  2. it says on the slide 16 x86 cores so surely that is cpu cores on their own not including gpu cores
  3. @Master Disaster yeah I understood that, just it seems like really shady activity. I think BT and BT openreach should be completely broken up so BT are on the same playing field as other ISPs.
  4. I don't know where you live but the UK's broadband really is not that great compared to Europe. http://www.netindex.com/download/allcountries/ Also FTTC is only a short term solution and for many rural communities, the 10% who are not going to even recieve FTTC, they may live too far away from a cabinet that there is still large signal degradation over the copper. I also have very little trust for BT because on their roll out so far they have already over charged the UK citizen's by £92million. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-31043548 As a result of all of this sketchy behavior I am hoping ofcom block their proposed buying of EE because i can see them ruining the company by not aggressively upgrading the infrastructure as EE is currently doing.
  5. The website seems to have crashed sorry and I can't find another article with the information in it
  6. As mentioned in this post below the UK's house of Lords, which is essentially its second chamber similar to the senate in the US expect the Lords are not voted in. However the government have decided to just ignore the concerns of the Lords inquiry. Which I did predict because the UK government seems to be in bed with BT, as BT recieved all the funding for the superfast internet rollout leaving none for other ISPs. "http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/312787-uks-parliament-move-to-re-classify-internet-as-a-public-utility/#entry4252226"> http://www.techweekeurope.co.uk/e-regulation/london-broadband-government-lords-162547#lquOXKxTZUFR4HJH.99
  7. Yeah this forum post is a bit misleading the house of lords (which is the second chamber in the houses of parliament sort of like the senate but the people in the house of lords aren't elected) just published a paper saying yeah we should probably do this. which essentially means it might happen it might not so yeah I am like that is cool that someone in a position of power realized that BT have been taking the piss for too long and we need to actually start understanding the internet but I am not going to be holding my breath for this actually happening that soon
  8. Yeah that is fair enough I don't really watch tv at the moment and I am not even a student yet, much prefer netflix and youtube
  9. Is NFC going to have a big enough range if the phone is not in your pocket or hand though?
  10. yeah but where I live the signal is a bit patchy so a bit disappointing
  11. I think it would be good especially in the UK were students are notorious for not paying their television licenses and so are essentially pirating TV anyway if such a system was implemented
  12. It is a new release as you have already pointed out it should be a x.x
  13. Minimum specs are going to be at least gtx 780 I would expect looking at those next gen graphics in the video :L
  14. oh yeah i probably was and DP 1.3 is the one with free sync built in?