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  1. And we need a guild I guess. I haven't started playing yet but I know that I'll need people.
  2. We commit emotional battery on their soul and then give them shit when they want to finally join us.
  4. If you need to ask a user forum this question then you don't need to be spending this much money on something you don't understand.
  5. I don't want to be mean to anyone on here but I want to strangle some people for the questions they ask. I'm not going to mention any names, but some people on here either have too high of ambitions or they don't know what they're getting themselves into. For example, I see posts in the graphics card section asking something like 'should I get a 780 ti?' Really? You're asking a forum whether or not you should spend $700? I also saw a couple questions asking about 4k gaming. One guy said he was about to buy a 4k montior. A 4k monitor is over $600 right now and you need about $1000 worth of hardware to push it at 60 frames. And his question also asks what graphics card to buy. SERIOUSLY?! LOL! If I'm spending $1600+ on computer hardware, I better know that hardware inside and out. I'm not going to ask a user forum to help me decide. I just think people should do their research if they're in the market for 4k gaming or a 780 ti. I just needed to vent. Does anyone else find it a bit ridiculous and a bit funny that people are asking these very basic questions when it comes to dropping potentially thousands of dollars on their PC? My thinking is, if you have to ask which card works better at higher resolutions, a 290 or a 780, then you don't need to be spending money on either one. There are countless websites out there to help you. And if you were wise with your money then you wouldn't need to ask. You would have done the research. (I'm just jeal that I can't afford a 780 and I'm being an asshole about it towards kids because that is who I am on the inside) edit: One question is about a simple RAM issue and the guy has an i7 CPU. LOL. Don't buy a $300 CPU if you can't figure out your RAM... edit: I'm trying to sound as least douchy as I can. I'm just hoping that some experienced users can agree with me and facepalm every time they hear a very noobish question about a $700 PC part.
  6. If I were a first time builder, I would look at what you're getting for the price. As of right now, AMD's FX line of CPUs are very good for the price. If you're mostly into gaming, then these CPUs will be good for you. They're cheaper and they perform just as well as Intel's i5 CPUs in the vast majority of games up to 60 frames per second. When you start going into 120 frames per second, then you might have some issues. But 120 frames per second can only be done on very high end graphics cards and monitors anyways, something that a first time builder probably won't be messing with. If you get an AMD FX CPU, you want to get one in the 6000 series or higher because those are the ones that will last the longest when it comes to futureproofing your PC for the next year or 2. The 6000 series CPUs have 6 cores. The 8000 series have 8 cores. I have an FX 8350 and I'm able to play every game out there very well. But I also have an R9 280X graphics card. When building a gaming PC, you want the majority of your money to go to the graphics card, then the CPU. The graphics card is more important than the CPU. But, you need a CPU that will be able to utilize the graphics card nicely, which most of those FX CPUs I mentioned can do. If you spend $300 on a graphics card, then you should spend about $150-$200 on a CPU. This isn't precise math but it's my own math I made up that has worked for me in the past. edit: Don't worry about individual core performance vs more cores right now. Just look at price for the most part. When you have built a few more PCs then you will be better suited to be able to understand core performance and such.
  7. I'm going to start LOLing at people who ask if they should get a 780 ti. If you are willing to spend that much money on a card then don't you think it's a wise choice to research the hell out of it instead of letting people on a forum tell you what to get? I'm not going to tell someone to buy a $700 card. That's too much pressure. And by the way if you aren't an expert when it comes to graphics cards then just get an R9 290. It's cheaper.
  8. I'm not directing this just at you. I see many people going here thinking it's legit.
  9. no. it's fine. use a 240 GB and don't waste money on 2 120 GB SSDs
  10. take a screenshot of your screen instead of a photo. I can't see any of those numbers...
  11. If you don't buy that 780 then Ima slap slap slap you.