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I know this is me being a greedy bastard, but I HATE HATE HATE sharing my PC with ANYONE. I HATE IT.

  1. minibois


    That's not being greedy, it's being WOKE and understanding people screw up your stuff

  2. kelvinhall05


    Especially since like I mentioned before, he mashes the keys like it's a bug that needs to be squished.

  3. DrMacintosh


    Give them a guest user without admin rights. 

  4. AresKrieger


    Never share your main PC, unless you want malware or for all your settings to be changed, that's my viewpoint anyway

  5. kelvinhall05


    @DrMacintosh He can't really play games then.

    @Legendarypoet Well, I feel obligated to share with him, since he's my friend.

    @AresKrieger My mom gives me shit if I don't share it with him :(
