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    Italy, Rome
  • Occupation
    Electronics Engineering Student


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    GNU/Linux Fedora

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  1. Hahahaha omg... ehmm I mean, what's that?
  2. I started with BASIC 6.0 almost 8 years ago, then I moved to C++, Java, Python and others.
  3. Without function prototyping you can't link functions between source files, the best way is having a source file (i.e. Source01.cpp) and a header file for each source file (i.e. Source01.h) where you'll write your prototypes. Then include the header in his source and where you need it. Someone already answered this question on SO, he agrees with me. http://stackoverflow.com/a/2575186/5501669
  4. "I know what you have to do", nah too long; "DO IT", nah it's a rip off; "Anti-procrastinate-or" or "Anti-procrastinate-o-matic", I have no idea what's the correct way to write it;
  5. How many time did you execute these benchmarks? You are talking about a minimum difference, it could be caused by background noise.
  6. The most famous compilers are: GCC, LLVM and MSVC. I use a lot Visual Studio Community (MSVC).
  7. Just a little tip: the use of do-while loops is a bad habit, they bring a lot of confusion and problems (mostly off-by-one errors). They can be used only when reading from a stream. Syntax: do{ /* Your code here, executed until condition turns into false */ }while(condition);
  8. FedeWar

    C++ Help

    Pass the arguments without &, this code will not compile, you are passing pointers instead of references.
  9. Just return the index in the array of the key (return -1 if nothing is found). Then to print other informations just get the element from the list.
  10. I highly discourage the use of Eclipse for C++ programming, it's a mess to set up. Visual Studio Community is the best without any doubt, but if you don't like it try Codeblocks.
  11. Java, Python or VB.NET are pretty simple with a lot of tutorials and documentation.
  12. Google "decryption tools" and try them, there are some that work online. But I can't tell you which is the best.
  13. Nope, it's just soulless plastic, it doesn't deserve my love.
  14. If you don't have the key it's impossible to decrypt your files, most of the modern encryption methods are unbreakable thanks to math, if you try a brute force attack it will take quite some time (a few bilion years). The only way is searching for the key in your pc or in your memory, but the success depends on the encryption algorithm used.
  15. What kind of algorithms are you looking for? Because OpenCV is very good for image or video manipulation and it supports Python.