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About ThomasR13

  • Birthday June 6

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  1. Alright so I'm about a month away from having enough money to finally build a pc. As the time gets closer more questions are popping up. Also this being my first time I'm not quite sure if I need any extra cables for my build, or if everything I need will be included. If someone with the experience or knowledge I seek could help me I'd greatly appreciate it. Here's the list for my build ( If you have any pc list recomendations feel free to leave a comment too.) Thanks https://pcpartpicker.com/list/Rk6dVY
  2. Thanks for the reply. That was another thing i was taking into consideration.
  3. Here is the Specific monitor https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1205711-REG/dell_s2716dg_27_widescreen_led.html
  4. I plan on playing every game under the sun, and at 1440p-4k. I already have a pretty decent monitor that should last me until i can upgrade that but i don't want to talk about spending more money before I've spent alot of money, scary, it sends chills down my spine. I also plan to do school work, and various other things.
  5. I'm definetly planning on overclocking, thanks for the reply!
  6. Alright so im saving up my money and I'm hoping to build this PC by the end of summer 2017. I've been wanting to do this for around 2 years now but wasn't been able to get a job because I was too young. Now that I have a job and can get my own money I think the time is near. I've beein configuring this pc for a while. Trying to keep it under $2700, but if anyone knows how to cut money off this build while keeping it around the same performace level tips would greatly be appreciated. Thanks! PC Part List- http://pcpartpicker.com/list/QM9JkT
  7. This winter I'm hoping to purchase parts for my new pc and have them built. If anyone around the central Pennsylvania area is qualified to put together this PC comment back. I would like to keep your services around $200. Here is a link to the PC. http://pcpartpicker.com/list/Rw2t8K
  8. I'm saving my money from my job and hoping to have it built by the end of this year or early next year (it's going to take so long because I have to save up for a school trip to the Galapagos next summer before I can worry about the PC), I'm sure it will change until then but for now I greatly appreciate everyone's advice and replies, thanks!
  9. I heard that twice now and already changed it, thanks!
  10. Thanks, I wasnt sure if i really needed anti virus but know I know.
  11. I choose a big PSU because I was thinking I want to be able to do various upgrades in the future, eventually hopefully dual 1080's
  12. After a very long time I think I've configured a pc that is perfect for me, I look mostly to do gaming and some light wrok such as word, powerpoint, excel etc. My budget is around $2700 USD. If anyone wants to take a look and give me some feedback on how I could create a better pc, recommendations will be greatly appreciated. Thanks! http://pcpartpicker.com/list/Tyq2VY