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  1. http://steam.bravehost.com/ https://steamdb.info/linux/
  2. Probably not, as it is only gonna be on Windows 10.
  3. Quantum Break is apparently coming to the PC, and it is gonna have DirectX 12. Source
  4. Just ignore it, that usually fixes problems, like sleep paralysis.
  5. Alright, shame it only has Freesync. I decided to just get a TN panel monitor after all the issues I had with horrible QC.
  6. DO NOT get this monitor! It is riddled with issues.
  7. Do you have one of their IPS 144hz monitors, if you do, what's the backlight bleed like? Edit: I think I mean IPS Glow.
  8. Play through some old classics. System Shock 2, Thief, Half-Life, Deus Ex, or pretty much any Source game.
  9. I would wait, cause current IPS 144hz 1440p monitors have HORRIBLE quality control, and I am speaking from experience. IPS glow, dead pixels, and dust galore. I dunno about Ezio though.
  10. I have always thought wireless could get some interference and generally had delay. Something that would obviously not be good for TF2 Competetive.
  11. Finished Firewatch.

    It was like 3 hours long, but the writing was pretty good.

    Ending was a bit shallow and I expected a bit more drama about fire but whaddayodo, it's Campo Santo's first game. 
