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Everything posted by Wolther

  1. I wish google fiber would spread more easily, doubtful it ever will though. Competition is something we need in the US
  2. https://linustechtips.com/main/forum/44-peripherals/ most stuff that is specific will be posted in the computer hardware section, and under that there is peripherals just so you know in the future
  3. Like I said in the original post it's an upgrade. I'm sure, I'll take it into account
  4. 1600 is a 44% price increase for a 36% performance gain (comparing to a 1400). It's not bad, but it's also a whole tier up. I'll see how black Friday sales goes with other things I plan to get ppl for Christmas and see where I end up from there. Everyone has been a big help and I got the info I needed. Thank you @Brooksie359 @SquintyG33Rs
  5. Thanks Thank you, you don't believe the "Multithreading" or whatever amd calls it is worth the extra ~$25? compared r3 to r5
  6. My eyes are on Ryzen 5. Was looking at the 1500x and 1400 versions. The only difference I can see is the speed (3.2 vs 3.5). I found out they can be overclocked on the B350 chipset. So I was also wondering how far they can overclock, and if the 1400 version will be able to overclock past the 1500x, or if the 1500x has a better overclocking advantage. Main reason for the upgrade decision (going from an i3 6100) is that I want to be able to stream community tournament matches and be able to record video at a better bitrate. So I'm hoping the 4c8t will be better. I don't think Intel has better options for the money but I could be wrong.
  7. It's cause you went with ddr3 instead of ddr4, did you buy the parts already or was this a plan? https://pcpartpicker.com/product/pQx9TW/patriot-viper-4-8gb-1-x-8gb-ddr4-2400-memory-pv48g240c5 and https://pcpartpicker.com/product/hMvZxr/gigabyte-motherboard-gah110ma should be fine if you didn't buy it yet
  8. 16 is the only even number, the rest are odd
  9. These companies act like they've just started using the internet ._. wtf is wrong with their heads
  10. It doesn't become a simple discussion anymore when it gets all blown up by media and even on a tech forum it is posted. Not even defending him saying it was right or wrong, just find this pretty funny that people care. I'm not 'spending time' on it if I took 1 minute to reply to a thread on a forum I follow frequently.
  11. Sad that the world's biggest issue is people getting offended over a word that is said on a live stream. I hope all of the children who had their feelings severely hurt aren't scarred for life /s
  12. What was the statement.. Source to article? Only thing I got out of this post was an apology to something I dont even know about Edit: thanks for putting the link in
  13. Btw your title is about a single monitor and then you just went off with having many many monitors, not really sure what's up haha. But yeah.. currently you have more surface area than your eyes can see if you used these monitors up close, but you do make a point if you were to stand far away. How far away? I'm not really sure, but being far enough away and having these monitors fill your field of view it may or may not work
  14. I liked it all the way up to reach, halo 4 just felt way too different. Both of the halo wars I felt were good though
  15. If OP is able to take out an extra $50 more, it would be entirely worth it to go with @deXxterlab97's build
  16. ... no, sounds terrible and I hope it never gains support. Cheating will always be a problem and will never entirely be fixed. On steam they have been developing anti-cheat for a decade and a half and they STILL cannot stop every alternative people take to cheat. There will always be a work around and giving up our privacy/control to windows (even more than we have) with no positive outcome is not something I want. Leave the anti-cheat to game devs, do not make it OS-based. Anything that has "monitor" and Microsoft in the same topic I will stay away from. (also, just realized every previous ver. of windows doesn't have "Game Monitor" so if not having it enabled prevents you from playing the game, wouldn't every ver. of windows before also prevent you from playing?)
  17. That's pretty cool! I didn't even know live wallpapers were a thing
  18. Well.. You're waiting a month, vega comes out at the end of july so it would make sense to just wait a little bit longer to see how things turn out.
  19. Can you link that video you saw? I guess there is a disconnect between what we're talking about. I'm just talking about windows 10 compared to xbox, which I hope you understand where I'm coming from when I say they're really different. xbox to me is just a gaming platform where you can occasionally watch a movie or youtube. Windows I see as a workstation, watch movies, play games, write on your calendar, check email, stream your game, etc. And then being able to do most of those at the same time. Where I see xbox focusing on 1 thing at a time. There would have to be dramatic changes to the xbox software to be identical to the functionality of windows
  20. tbh I would think it would be the opposite. xbox everyday I see it turning more and more into a "windows" style console. When you open an app it goes into another window, a game is also separate windows. Obviously combining the names does not make sense; they are separate things to an extend and are very different. It would be like calling an apple an orange because they're both fruit. They taste differently and contain different nutrients from each other. They also grow on different trees.
  21. It's.. pure preference. I went with 144 hz because I play Rhythm games like osu! and mania. But if I played games like gta5 I would go with a big screen and high res because I feel visuals will be more important in a game like that
  22. She doesn't know the song.. So? Play it for her in the car or something, I don't understand the big deal if you want to judge her based on not knowing one song that you like.