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  • CPU
    i5 3579k 4.5GHZ
  • Motherboard
    Asus Z77
  • RAM
  • GPU
    GTX 970

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  1. If you are not comfortable in taking it apart to reapply thermal paste ask someone that you know that would be able to or watch a YouTube video showing how to do it but apart from that you could send it to a repair center but 90 degrees is not good
  2. Dude I have a i5 2400 and a GTX970 and can't get a stable frame rate at mid settings. The game runs like complete arse
  3. If it's not a K series i7 you can't overclock, the only thing you could do is adjust the fsb but that will not be worth it as the increase in minimal and potentially unstable
  4. If you are looking for prebuild i don't think you'll find a good solution but if you can build a good idea would be to buy some hp/office oc or what ever from ebay for about £30-60 make sure it's atx and quad core then look at cex for a gpu i have found there pricing good. My mate has a q6600 overclocked and a hd7870 and plays gta v med-high settings at 30fps its not the best but at the budget you can't expect much anyway
  5. Originally had a T40 but I ended up burning the GPU off the board playing some Sega 32X game XD, I now have a x220 and it's awesome!
  6. Rig Name: Maplin CPU: i5 2400 GPU: MSI GTX 970 RAM: 2x4GB DDR3
  7. Will I burn out my motherboard by going over the TDP?
  8. I recently bought a motherboard from Amazon for a new system i'm building, I have bought an i5 2400 to go in it, once I boot it up I get a message saying the CPU isn't supported which i though was weird so I go to Asus' website to find the CPU support list and I couldn't find the model on their English website anywhere, I could find similar models and the i5 2400 isn't listed. I go to Google to search for it and I find it on Asus' Spanish website and the CPU support list claims to support the i5 2400 so at this point i'm just confused so I turn to the manual and it says the max TDP for that board is 77w and the i5 2400 is 95w. Once I press f1 to get pass the error message the PC works fine. Is it safe for me to continue using this board with this CPU? http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00JFOFKI4