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  1. I have the same issue. I can't use the new site to pay, just get a screen that says "Loading", then it eventually says Error: *Edit* OK, I think I see how to pay. You have to go to creators, and then click the one you want. The billing page should probably not just say Error when you don't have any subscriptions, but this is in alpha stages from what I understand so the more bug reports we file the better it'll get!
  2. Probably the same people that host an internet accessible website on their gaming rig. Lol. Yeah, that is true, but then he could always just switch over if he's not happy with the increase. Vouch for OVH, its decent.
  3. Yes, great idea for a beginner, setup your own web server and then whenever you shut down your PC your website also goes down :)) Teach me more tech tips daddy.
  4. https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/details/app-service/ Azure has a free tier which is pretty reliable. It's not going to support anything huge (or even mid-sized for that matter... as it doesnt include much bandwidth) but it's decent for what it is. If that's not good enough for you, buy some hosting from namecheap. https://www.namecheap.com/hosting/shared.aspx It's like $9/year and extremely reliable for what it is...
  5. Apology accepted. *retracts pitchfork*
  6. Specifically this was asked about the YouTube posting, Episode 3 is already done and was released to Floatplane last week. I dont see a good reason to not post that one today - but maybe Edzel is sick and is also the one that takes care of that.
  7. Setup your own OpenVPN server over port TCP 80/443. And if that doesn't work, there's no other way around it. Likely they're doing some sort of deep packet inspection. Also, this is probably the last place to ask for help circumventing your school's firewall, you should probably ask other places... there's a million other shady places out there that'll help you do this.
  8. If simplicity is key, there's always the handy string constructor for repeating characters "X" amount of times. I'd do it like this: public class Program { public static void Main(string[] args) { for(int i =0; i < 10;i++) Console.WriteLine(new string('*', i+1)); } }
  9. If your column data type in the database is a datetime, you should be able to just do the following: // Reads the column object and casts to DateTime object. var myDateTime = (DateTime)dataReader["myDateColumnName"]; Then, to format the date time object on the screen, you'd simply do this: // Sets label text to formatted date time. myLabel.Text = myDateTime.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); If your column is a string (aka varchar), and you are storing dates in the database as a string (which I would recommend against) you can try something like parik mentioned for parsing your DateTime from the DB column.