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Everything posted by lkarej

  1. Personally for me I'd never get a GPU under 4gb. Had a 780 before and textures are far too important to me. I mean, hey, that's me though. It really comes down to whether you want that 1gb extra of vram or the better performance when it comes to effects etc. So take your pick I guess.
  2. sounds just around what mine does if you're at the numbers stated in OP.
  3. Everything has high oc potential if you run enough voltage through it.
  4. they're different chips. You can't. You can't match performance with OC. Nvidia wouldn't sell a product that could match another's performance for cheaper just with overclocking.
  5. 80+? I don't see the problem. That's where my ping is all the time...
  6. lkarej

    Surely people can't be this entit-- Well neverm…

    You haven't been around here long enough if you even half-thought that :^)
  7. lkarej

    #boycott-tq STOP WITH THE CANCEROUS INTRO disli…

    Jigglypuff is objectively the best pokemon.
  8. lkarej

    Man the audio subforum is D E A D

    I mean that's basically me tho
  9. lkarej

    Just saved 16GB of precious files (not mine, lu…

    is that code for porn
  10. lkarej

    #boycott-tq STOP WITH THE CANCEROUS INTRO disli…

    people still watch ltt videos?
  11. my pc can't :^( I have a 980ti/4770k. Mind you I also play at 3440*1440. You should be good to go on 1080p60fps low tho, I'd try and keep the render distance as high as you can though.
  12. Man the audio subforum is D E A D

    1. ARikozuM


      DAC = Dead And Crying... 

    2. lkarej


      I mean that's basically me tho

  13. lkarej


    nah like a couple months apart.
  14. I mean, admittedly I also play COD. But I only really put time into BO3 as it's the only one I've really enjoyed so far. But I do understand where he's coming from. COD can be different because you play against different people with different setups/playstyles every match. Overwatch... uh, not so much. And well, Destiny is an "MMO", an essential part of "MMOs" (I put that in quotations bc it's not really) is that they are grindy. I personally can stand an incredible amount of grinding and repetition for little reward bc when I was little all I played was f2p korean mmos :^)
  15. lkarej

    How to continuously shitpost post useful things…

    also, related.
  16. lkarej

    How to continuously shitpost post useful things…

    I am the expert on this and can confirm this is the correct method
  17. lkarej


    also you're legit as old as my little sister
  18. lkarej


  19. Blizzard is a garbage company as far as I'm concerned tbh they get circlejerked over overwatch tho :^)
  20. No, open beta is open from the 29th (yesterday) to 10am pst on the 31st iirc. Only opened a day early for people who preordered. I agree, it even had my resolution and aspect ratio detected when I started the game, usually I have to change it myself (I'm using an ultrawide).
  21. Can confirm I've experience about 100% more gamebreaking bugs in Warframe over literally any other game.
  22. Giving the players ANY SORT of power over a studio is a bad idea because players are idiots who overreact to everything and don't know what they want.