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  1. Hacking them while it's the middle of the night in Vancouver... clever move. Videos are unlisted and Youtube team is probably already aware by now. My guess is everything should be back up fairly soon, but LMG's morning meeting will be interesting to say the least.
  2. Summary Last night, one of OVH Cloud datacenter in Strasbourg had a major fire. At the time of writing (story is breaking), the situation is as follows: SBG1 is partially burnt: network room OK, 4 rooms destroyed, 8 are OK (update by CEO 11:40 local time) SBG2 is gone SBG3 is okay (update by CEO 11:20 local time) SBG4 is okay Update: The entire datacenter is currently shutdown out of precaution. A lot of French websites (including government ones) relying on this datacenter are unreachable since Wednesday. Rust servers lost some players stats that went in smoke. OVH says it'll take a couple of weeks to restart the datacenter. Quotes From OVH Travaux From Octave Klaba (CEO): My thoughts Well, obviously, BACKUP YOUR DATA. I personally have a few VPS located in this datacenter (not SBG2 but SBG1, so I don't know how to feel about this yet). Also, we sure will get a lot of Backblaze sponsor spot in the following days and week... Sources This is a french news story and the US is still waking up, so french only for now sorry: https://www.lemonde.fr/societe/article/2021/03/10/a-strasbourg-un-important-incendie-sur-le-site-de-l-entreprise-ovh-classe-seveso_6072548_3224.html https://www.leparisien.fr/faits-divers/strasbourg-un-important-incendie-sur-le-site-de-lentreprise-ovh-qui-abrite-des-serveurs-informatiques-10-03-2021-36SU6LXHHJF4BCZEOKNOAAKLVA.php https://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/grand-est/bas-rhin/strasbourg-0/strasbourg-gros-incendie-dans-un-data-center-du-port-du-rhin-pas-de-blesse-1990768.html
  3. In France we already have "No driving license required" cars for a while now. They only require you to have the Brevet de sécurité routière (BSR) obtainable with around 8 hours of practice. This allows you to use vehicles that won't go above 45km/h which happens to be the top speed of the Ami.
  4. https://int-media.citroen.com/en/AMI French car manufacturer Citroën launches Ami, yet another new electric car as a service. Official video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74VfCw1FE2s&feature=emb_title Linus was right again.
  5. Hi ! I can't see any mention of the Vaio SX12 anywhere on the forum. It seems to be an interesting ultrabook for port enthusiasts on the go. Could be a cool review compared to the LG Gram.
  6. Came to the forum to give my two cents, glad to see a topic already exists about this issue. I noticed the clickbait-ish thumbnails during the CES and thought to myself "OK, I guess they wanna play this way for CES, let's give them the benefits of doubt this week". But the last Holy Sh!t episode was just too much. Don't get me wrong, I'm okay with the video title "The Fastest Storage EVER". That's pretty much the point of this serie after all. But the thumbnail, I mean come on: In comparison, going back to previous episodes of Holy Sh!t serie, thumbnails were still a bit clickbait-ish, but far less cringy: I can understand that you get more views because Youtube system & stuff. I get that. This is your company, your choices, and clearly you did this for a legitimate reason as a business. But we'd appreciate that you try to be a bit less cringy. Right now you're not even hiding it, and as a fan I think this is just wrong and sad.
  7. This projector looks so cool! It'd be perfect in my small apartment...
  8. Do you guys speak French? If yes I wanna hear it from at least Linus and Luke !
  9. Hi! I know I'm new on the forum (YT sub since last summer), but what the hell let's give it a try! :unsure: I'd love to have the Autore keyboard because who are we kidding? It's a mechanical keyboard. Thanks for this great giveaway, good luck eveyone!