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PSA: Change your Outlook.com passwords just to be safe even if you're paying for Office 365. https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2019/04/hackers-could-read-non-corporate-outlook-comhotmail-for-six-months/


Late on Friday, some users of Outlook.com/Hotmail/MSN Mail received an email from Microsoftstating that an unauthorized third party had gained limited access to their accounts and was able to read, among other things, the subject lines of emails (but not their bodies or attachments, nor their account passwords), between January 1 and March 28 of this year. Microsoft confirmed this to TechCrunch on Saturday.


The hackers, however, dispute this characterization. They told Motherboard that they can indeed access email contents and have shown that publication screenshots to prove their point. They also claim that the hack lasted at least six months, doubling the period of vulnerability that Microsoft has claimed. After this pushback, Microsoft responded that around 6 percent of customers affected by the hack had suffered unauthorized access to their emails and that these customers received different breach notifications to make this clear. However, the company is still sticking to its claim that the hack only lasted three months.

Completely unrelated to the Outlook hack but someone from Vietnam is trying to hack mine.


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