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About DF0024

  • Birthday March 11

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    Montreal, Canada

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  1. That's a lot of step to get help when you are emotional/irrational and if someone loose access to his account, he will not get to that page. I really wish that's gonna get more visibility soon.
  2. Could this be a priority to put that form somewhere on the website? Because if you would not have post this link in this post, I would have not found that page. Because there is no public link on the Floatplane website right now.
  3. Even if it is a bug, why is there no official communication from the Floatplane team about it? Why is there no contact form on the website of Floatplane? If you disable embed video for the forum, why should I be on the forum to get support? Same thing about subscription, there are now on the website. I know even if a watch religiously the WAN Show, I won't have the full story of news about Floatplane. The only absolute thing is something will get better soon™ I get it, it's a big project, the number one priority is getting video to the audience in a wonderful quality as fast as possible on the entire planet. But since the website is up, as a customer and fan, I have not seem many change to the website (The star are not align for me to watch live content and there is no archive of it). I get it, I only pay 3$ for video content, but can I have incite about the whole project in alpha? I'm disappointed to have lost my access to the forum, the only official communication of Floatplane. But it's remind me, I don't know anything anymore about this big vessel ( ? pun)
  4. Since the shutdown of Vessel, the foundation of the Floatplane initiative has three years to figure everything out. I think it's time for a former way of communication and a roadmap of the website. Losing the access to the forum without any sort warning or message is kinda rude and rough for the long time supporter ? And there is no official way to contact the floatplane support, so what can i do? Clearing the cache of my web browser didn't change my lose access to Floatplane Forum.
  5. Vessel was a great paying platform without any ads and giving back to creator. I don't want to lose another canadian tech news media compagny. No Youtube Red in Canada. I will have to go through ads for every video I watch from now on if I want to support Linus Media Group
  6. Rig name : VertexCrusherCpu : Intel Xeon E5-2609 to 2.4 GHz (Quad core)Gpu : Nvidia GTX 970 Ram : 16 Go of ram DDR3