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Everything posted by Clanscorpia

  1. After watching the whole video, Id still argue the 480 performs better than the 1060. They are equal but because of the 480s advantage in DX 12 it comes ahead in almost all of the later releases
  2. Ghost recons isnt even out yet so we cant use it, and Ill slid into this other video
  3. They dont exist. But this isnt valid just because they dont
  4. Your sources are 3 months old. Lots has changed. As it stands this is inaccurate.
  5. Can you show me whatshappening in TriXX?
  6. Contract. And look what happened to XFX when they tried moving to AMD as well
  7. This one dude here is really pissing me off but Im not going to point fingers, but they're acting like a special snowflake just because they're bi
  8. Clanscorpia

    Roses are red... Violets are violet... it's in…

    A biology teacher. And those are mostly blue, except for breeded ones
  9. Clanscorpia

    Roses are red... Violets are violet... it's in…

    No, thats the species called Violet.
  10. Clanscorpia

    Roses are red... Violets are violet... it's in…

    This is a violet
  11. Clanscorpia

    Roses are red... Violets are violet... it's in…

    No Violets are actually blue
  12. I see no issues, but a high demanding task would be awesome
  13. Thats completely normal. Can you take a picture running in a game?
  14. Yeah you'e completely fine with Wattage. Can you take a picture of your Wattman system monitor
  15. Whats the main one running at? Going into TriXX right now my single GPU is averaging a little higher than that playing video at 750mhz, 300 on memory
  16. Welcome to the Canadian Sea Cadets where we have classes on how to speed dress
  17. No, no no no, no. 20mhz increments is much better on a 480 You have a really bad chip then
  18. Thats a great price, go for it