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I feel like now is a good time to post this


  1. dizmo



    ...so fit the P in the end? Or should we put it beside the other P?



  2. Techstorm970


    Pedophiles wanting to be LGBT:  "mY feELiNgS mAttER, tOO!"


    LGBTs like @handymanshandle"Feelings?!  Look mate, you know who has a lot of feelings?  Blokes that bludgeon their wife to death with a golf trophy!  Professionals have standards."

  3. Tech_Dreamer


    Speaking of which, That upcoming Netflix series doe.

  4. captain_to_fire


    I’m glad no one in the LGBTQ+ community seems to accept pedophiles as part of them because the basic premise of the LGBTQ+ community is society’s acceptance to love whoever they want with INFORMED CONSENT, something young kids can’t make and it’s fucking creepy, it reminds me of some disturbing religious passages. 

  5. Glinch