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I'm part of the Mobile Myki test (Melbourne public transport card with Google Pay).



  1. iLostMyXbox21


    You should charge your phone 

  2. Droidbot


    sydney's opal works fine just with tap and go debit cards or vcards on google pay/apple pay/whatever pay


    myki is slow anyway :P

  3. comicsansms


    Because Myki is 4 years older (2009). Anyway, the new VIX readers are really nice and very quick. Credit/Debit card payment is/was being trialled on E class trams.


    The biggest problem with debit/credit card payment, is that trams and buses aren't static, so will not always have phone reception, so won't work, and that all the old readers will need to be replaced.

  4. Droidbot


    yeah with buses they're planning to make them handled at the end of the day (or so I last heard)


    with trains, light rail and ferries they're handled at point instantly the same way normal card transfers are

  5. comicsansms


    Having the touch on stations at the platforms of light rail stops, significantly increases the cost of making more, new stops or moving existing stops (temporarily or permanently). I really don't like that.
