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About pjdimer

  • Birthday Jan 11, 1970

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  • Steam
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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Coding, Futzing with old computers, and photography
  • Occupation


  • CPU
    AMD A-10 5700
  • Motherboard
    MSI A78M-E35
  • RAM
    12GB Kingston Value RAM
  • GPU
  • Case
    NZXT S340
  • Storage
    2TB Seagate Barracuda 7200rpm
  • PSU
    Corsair CX430M
  • Display(s)
    x1 HP 27" IPS
  • Cooling
  • Keyboard
    Corsair K70
  • Mouse
    Corsiar M65
  • Operating System
    Windows 8.1 Pro

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  1. Acer S211HLbd is a good performer and is about $120ish (depends on where you buy it)
  2. You don't need that TP-Link Ethernet adapter because the motherboard you are getting has onboard Ethernet on it. Also you should downgrade your CPU cooler and maybe get a quad core or something a little bit better than the G3258. Happy Building, pjdimer
  3. i7 most definitely. The i5 is good if you are doing light work, but if you do content creation go with the i7.
  4. Excuse me as I locate my TARDIS....
  5. pjdimer

    E3 News

    They do their best the show is really meant to be attended, not watched
  6. pjdimer

    E3 News

    E3 turned out great this year. The expo attracted about 52,200 people from 109 countries, even Kanye showed up this year! Anyways here is some news from the show. Overall, Sony had a great show this year. They unveiled the remaking of one of the most beloved Japanese role-playing game, Final Fantasy VII. The release date of the remade game isn’t yet known, so keep your eyes open. After many no-shows Team ICO finally unveiled The Last Guardian. The mastermind behind ICO and Shadow of the Colossus, Fumito Ueda, showed up to give the game his “stamp” of approval. Hopefully The Last Guardian will be as mystical as the studio’s previous games. Sony’s third and final announcement was the reveal of Shenmue 3. Fanboys have been losing sleep over this and rest easy it’s happening. The project was crowd-funded on Kickstarter and within a few hours they shot past their initial goal of 2 million dollars. Horizon Zero Dawn was revealed at E3 this year. Developed by Guerilla Games, the game is a third-person action game in which a hunter battles against giant robot dinosaurs. Not much can be said in terms of narrative. I, for one have many questions about the game. Uncharted 4 is coming out soon and is looking fantastic. The developers at Naughty Dog have been making slight tweaks to the gameplay as well as the graphics from the previous Uncharted. At points it almost looks like the game is going to be a bit of an open world adventure. Of course the sets at E3 were the crazy-over-the-top kind that we all know and love. No Man’s Sky was released and many people are asking what the heck even is this meant to be? Sean Murray has our answer, everytime he steps on-stage he show just how insanely large the rendered galaxy of No Man’s Sky is. It looks like the game is meant to be something like Elite:Dangerous, which was released earlier this year. I can’t wait to get my hands on this game. Media Molecule has released their game, Dreams. It looks really weird and also quite intriguing. The game looks like and horror game similar to Among the Sleep and deals with exploring interconnected worlds. The game looks very interesting and the idea of exploring interconnected worlds excites me. Finally Destiny revealed a new DLC, The Taken King. The Taken King looks like it will introduce some interesting content. No details were revealed on exactly what that content is. I am excited and there is nothing you can do about it. Thanks for tuning in and checking the blog out. Let me know in the comments if you liked the longer entry or if you want to keep it short. pjdimer
  7. I don't know if this is happening to anyone else, but the link isn't letting me into your blog post. Do I need to be an Admin to access this or is it just a glitch?
  8. Just build one yourself. I have built three and everytime all the parts were in working order and the hardest part was the drivers. Here is a good build:http://pcpartpicker.com/guide/YJyp99/i5-4690k-r9-290x-overclocked-gaming-pc
  9. Hey everyone, since I've seen a lot of questions about which gaming/work laptop is the best and where you should buy them i decided that i would make a little buyers guide for everyone. Starting out at the "Budget" end of our selection we have the Lenovo Y40 ($750) (http://www.amazon.com/Lenovo-Y40-Laptop-Computer-Generation/dp/B00KNM3UW0/ref=sr_1_1?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1434508513&sr=1-1&keywords=gaming+laptop&refinements=p_36%3A2421889011) This is equipped with a i7-4510U Processor, AMD R9 275M 2GB, 8GB of RAM, Dual Band AC-3160, 1TB HDD, and an 8GB SSHD. Next up is the Lenovo Y50 ($1,350) (http://shop.lenovo.com/us/en/laptops/lenovo/y-series/y50-touch/) This is equipped with a i7-4720HQ, GTX 960M 4GB, 16GB of RAM, a 2x2 AC wifi card (not specified), 512GB SSD, and a touch display. Next is the MSI GS60 Ghost ($1600) (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834152656&cm_re=970m-_-34-152-656-_-Product) This has a i7-4710HQ, GTX 970M 3GB, 12GB of RAM, Killer 802.11ac wifi/LAN, 1TB HDD, and a 128GB SSD Then for the ultimate workhorse/gaming machine we have the MSI GT80 Titan ($3,100) (http://www.amazon.com/MSI-GT80-TITAN-SLI-001-18-4-Inch/dp/B00S5SM9BW/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1434510708&sr=8-1&keywords=msi+titan+gt80) This beast is equipped with a i7-4720HQ, SLI GTX 980Ms 8GB, 16GB of RAM, Killer 802.11ac wifi/Gigabit LAN, 1TB HDD, and a 256GB SSD That about wraps this up, thanks for taking a look and hope this helps you out. pjdimer
  10. I would recommend the Asus X99 Deluxe if you are willing to spend that much on the Mobo you have as of now. Its ATX and is a great performer.
  11. If you don't mind the extra bulk this is a good option.. Link:http://www.amazon.com/G751JL-DS71-17-3-Inch-Gaming-GeForce-Graphics/dp/B00T7EXKLG/ref=pd_sim_147_2?ie=UTF8&refRID=095P58DR9RYVP58ND2DP If not the Lenovo Y50 is also a great option Link:http://shop.lenovo.com/us/en/laptops/lenovo/y-series/y50/ Hope you find the right one! pjdimer
  12. Honestly Nater, I would recommend CableMod sleeved cables they come in lots of colors and have exceptional quality. I have a kit myself and it looks great and had no problems out of the box. Here is the kit similar to the ones you were looking at: http://cablemod.com/product/cablemod-b-series-dpp-cable-kit-white/ Happy Building, pjdimer
  13. Good way to go with the 4GB model of the 960, that is much more useful then the 2GB model and for only a little bit more (~$50) I would think about upgrading your cooling to the Corsair H60 or H80i so you can overclock it a little bit more to get the most out of your i5 but the 212 does a good job of cooling it as well. Unless you do heavy content creation (and based on your hardware choices I don't think you do) 8GB of RAM should be fine but it would be a good upgrade in the future. That extra $50 that you would spend if you were to buy the 16GB kit could go to a i5-4690K processor (You would have to get a new motherboard but I think you could find one that is the same price or cheaper) Overall a good base build that can be upgraded in the future. Happy Building, pjdimer