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The baseline for “good audio” went up a lot when EarPods were announced. Change my mind. 


  1. BuckGup


    It didn't. They were just free so people used them. Apple also pushed the white cables in their ads hard awhile ago so you then it became associated with being an apple product. Which for some is the only reason they buy Apple products.





  2. DrMacintosh


    You’re thinking of the round/flat headphones. I’m talking about EarPods. 
    They have a sound stage, they have bass, mode, treble, and in a silent room they are incredibly serviceable for being included. 

    Btw DankPods is a musician. 

  3. SenKa


    Fellow musician here, I 100% agree that earpods are a fantastic baseline for serviceable earbuds. I actually used them up until i got my propods, and even swapped between them and my OG airpods when i still had them.


    Also a huge dankpods fan :D



  4. Java


    Dankpods is amazing, and hell Im not even a huge apple fan.
