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A friend of mine went to Cal State Fullerton after High School. 4 semesters later and he’s $12K in debt. 

I went to a JC and I’ve made $6K from financial aid in 3 semesters. 

Big oof for him. 

  1. vanished


    $12K for two years doesn't sound bad, that's about what it would be here for a high end program.  I always heard university in the US was so much more expensive.

  2. DrMacintosh


    He’s an in state resident so gets local tuition. Going to an out of state college balloons the price to double+


    The 12K in debt also accounts for any financial aid he’s received. 

    At the end of 4 years he’ll be $24,000 in debt. 

  3. dizmo


    I've never understood those that go out of state.

    Also, how long do you have to live in a given state in order to be considered "in state"?

  4. TheGlenlivet


    My daughter is applying to Berkeley, Davis and UCSD...  ?

  5. RoseLuck462


    Damn that blows. At least not over $100k though, as much as a mortgage 

  6. dizmo


    @RoseLuck462 must be nice to have houses cost so little! 
