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  1. Origami Cactus

    Origami Cactus

    Seems like all the research went into the right places.

    Boss- What have you worked on for the last 8 months and had a 10000000$ budget for?

    Worker 1- Android can now detect if the user is a goat.

    Boss- What?

    Worker 1- IS USER A GOAT?

    Boss- Money well spent.

  2. NoxiousOdor


    It is this kind of innovation that really gives me hope for the future. It is bad enough to have to worry about AI taking over the world but AI and goats? No way. I'm glad that this should be a big set back to the goatly schemes.

  3. DrMacintosh


    Unfortunately those responsible for developing the GoatDetect API were sacked shortly after the whole team blew $5,000 of the corporate credit card on Goat Simulator. 
