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I just had a self epic /facepalm moment.

SSD's need to be initialized after they are purchased. I knew this but I forgot. I feel stupid as my new 2TB Crucial drive is not dead. it. works. just. fine.



  1. Skiiwee29


    lol, see.. even happens to the best of us.. guess we cant always be like pffft, LOOK AT THIS NOOB!!!

  2. Bombastinator


    “Epic self facepalmmoment”. I have those daily.  “ brain fart” was the old term.  Or “senior moment”if you’re old enough to get away with it.

  3. SansVarnic


    I brain fart as well but here it felt like a step up from that.. lol

    I went so far as to call Amazon to arrange a replacement, now I have to retract that request.

  4. Tech_Dreamer


    Can a mod ban himself for 6 hours?

  5. soldier_ph



    Can a mod ban himself for 6 hours?

    inb4 that GIF where a admin kicks a users face but instead a normal user there's @SansVarnic

  6. SansVarnic


    @Tech_Dreamer well no but I do leave the forum for about 12-36hrs at a time anyway so not much good for doing it I guess.
