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Everything posted by blackout331

  1. I'm using a CM storm quickfire that's filled with coffee and half the keys don't work lol.
  2. Cooler master Trigger http://www.amazon.com/CM-Storm-Trigger-Mechanical-Keyboard/dp/B009FTWL2C/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1369872353&sr=8-1&keywords=cooler+master+trigger
  3. The metal gear solid series.
  4. How do you guys like it? I think it looks cool!
  5. For PS3 there's Metal Gear Solid 4, Infamous 1&2, little big planet and the uncharted series.
  6. Tomb Raider crashes on my gtx 670 after about 40 minutes. Does anyone know fix for this?
  7. The only time I use my xbox is for the metal gear solid hd collection.
  8. Where can i buy a Ducky Shine 2 in Canada?
  9. Apparently it's being developed for PC first then ported to consoles source:http://www.pcgamer.com/2013/02/27/watch-dogs-is-targeting-pc-as-lead-platform/
  10. PCSX2 is great for PS2 emulating 1080p too!
  11. I can't figure out what the difference is.
  12. Have an extra 80$ and I want to upgrade to an ssd. What would be the best one under 80$?
  13. Is FXAA 3.11 better than SMAA?
  14. Other than tech stuff, gaming and movies are my big ones mostly movies.
  15. This guy is just spamming a fake site on posts http://linustechtips.com/main/member/5553-nikiue32
  16. You should REALLY care about switch type if its for gaming. Ok, I don't know about switches that much but what would be the best for gaming?