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  • Interests
    Science, Science Fiction, Anime, International travel, Sports, Teaching
  • Biography
    Hello all, and welcome to my little corner of the internet. Nothing special here unless you want to read about living in Mongolia or the other countries I have traveled to so far.

    United Stated

    I am also a science teacher and anime fan so you might see the occasional post on whether or not anime gets a particular scientific topic. I hope you enjoyed your stay and shoot me a line if you have any questions.
  • Occupation
    Science Teacher


  • CPU
    Intel core i7-4500 CPU 2.4ghz
  • RAM
    8 GB
  • Case
    Toshiba satellite laptop
  • Storage
    intel SSD 240gb
  • Operating System
    Windows 8.1

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  1. I would like to see a review of the Lenovo thinkpads specifically the T or X1 series.
  2. I'm a little late to the topic, and I wasn't sure where to post this, but what do you think the educational uses of VR will be, or how it would work. I'm not that much of a techi, but I am a science teacher (BIo, Chem, and a little bit of physics). I was thinking about how VR could give a true virtual dissection experience, which would allow for more flexibility of the animals and number of dissections I can do. It could also potentially be used for experiments that I do not have the equipment to run, or run safely. Could something like the 7 gamers PC be used to run a class room of VR headsets say 7-12. Personally the more I think about this the more I think it would be a really interesting idea with many uses in the classroom to enhance (NOT REPLACE) student learning. Thanks.
  3. Thanks for the advice about the batteries. The Macbook air is out of my price range and I'm not a fan of apple.
  4. Sadly the battery is internal so I need a separate external battery and not a spare. That backpack does look cool.
  5. Hello all, I am looking for an external battery for my toshiba laptop. My reason for this is so I can use it on long flights (Asia to the USA). I am also hoping I can use it for my phone and ipad on shorter trips so I don't have to lug around the charging cables. Does anyone have any suggestions as my current newtrent battery is a pain to use and doesn't charge my laptop.
  6. Loved the review. I have a question what is the durability of the device as I am a science teacher. One of the units I cover is flight in a 6th grade science class. This device looks like it could a very useful teaching tool and potential lab. So I am curious as to how it handles different paper airplane designs and how easy you think it would be for younger kids to use.
  7. I agree with you on that especially if it makes the laptop cheaper, however I don't want to have run my laptop at full throttle to just to do what I need to do.
  8. Put me in that crowd. I don't really do anything that stresses the laptop like high end gaming or anything. The most I do is have lots of tabs and programs open at once on occasion
  9. Bingo.... and I agree a thin laptop would make getting everything into my bag a lot easier. Its just in my current situation bigger is better
  10. The whole thing is probably just an outgrowth of the political spats between China and Japan. They have published articles slamming Akiharaba over the years to.
  11. The newtrent external battery for smartphones and tablets. I still can't figure out how to get the darn thing to work.
  12. When I can use an additional external monitor on my laptop I do. It makes some of the grading, and other teacher related things I need to do much easier.
  13. True in terms of durability I did not have a high enough budget this time around, but the durability of a Lenovo (had I know they existed at the time) would have suited my purposes.
  14. I did look into the Panasonic tough book but it was out of my price range sadly. I'd love to see a durable laptop around 1,000 USD that would fit my needs and I would buy it in a heart beat.
  15. For me yes, actually. I am currently working in Mongolia and can use all the durability I can get. I wouldn't mind a thicker heavier laptop if it came with an increase in durability. I would love something that can take a few bumps and bruises and still work. I'm not a gamer so super high end power is not what I need.