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I am often astonished by the amount of people on this forum calling themselves "tech enthusiasts" that not just don't understand slightly more advanced subjects, but actually takes pride in not knowing them.

The amount of people I see being proud to say they don't know how to program, or proud that they only barely know how to use Windows/iOS/MacOS/Android and no other operating system is quite mind boggling.


On top of that, some of them even have the guts to insult others because they are more knowable than them. You'd think that in a community of "tech enthusiasts" that the phrase "I am not a no-life nerd. I have better things to do" or variations of it would be uncommon, but it's far more common than it should be.

  1. PlayStation 2

    PlayStation 2

    See, I'll never claim I'm something I'm not. I know damn well I'm not a tech enthusiast. I look at shit for my own gratification, not for anyone's benefit. The most I know is how to get Team Fortress 2 to look good and how to upload a VHS tape to YouTube at 60fps.

  2. Tech_Dreamer


    even some dudes act up on about on basic naive things for the regular stuffs , remember that high end  pc build guide from that guy from verge & later he went on to cry about people being "nerds" to point out basic flaws.

  3. LukeSavenije


    look, I'm a tech enthusiast, but i see it differently. I'm not a know-it-all, i agree with people that know better than me and learn from them. but i call myself a tech enthusiast because i get enthusiastic about tech, i love working with it and that's why i call it that way. not because i can use 10 different os's, program in 5 different languages and know everything about every single part, because i don't. 

  4. TheSLSAMG


    Weird that people are proud to not know how to do those things. I wish I could program, but to be fair I don't have the time to devote to it as opposed to the other things in my life. I tinker around with Linux and HTML stuff when I can, and I do enjoy it though I know very little. And on that, I'll never claim to know what I don't and I'll never demonize those who know more than me.


    Some people are just dickheads I suppose.

  5. LAwLz


    @LukeSavenijeI think you're misunderstanding me a bit. I am not saying that "you need to know X, Y and Z to call yourself a tech enthusiast". What I find strange is that people are proud to not know some things. I see people saying that they have had issues with using some programs, or operating systems, as if it's a merit to not know how to use them.

  6. LukeSavenije


    fair enough... I've seen it before. I just wanted to specify that I do call myself one and don't now absolutly everything about it.
