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  1. I've seen that, however I've seen no 3rd party styli that have the specs I need, the pen that comes with only has 124 pressure levels, I had this on mind beforehand and that was the only problem, so unless their is a 3rd party styli that can be used effectively I'll be unable to properly work. Thank you though for the suggestion.
  2. Ok so basically I've been researching for months now but have been getting headaches on finding just the right device to work on projects not just at home. If anyone is willing to help out please let me know, it's appreciated greatly. The basic minimum requirements are as follows. - Color accurate IPS display, minimum of 1080p res. - Intel i5 duo core - 6Gb RAM - If tablet supports pressure sensitive non-capacitive stylus (min 1024 pressure levels) - Handle programs such as Photoshop cs6 and Paint Tool Sai. - on board graphics - preferable not above $1200 (def below if possible)
  3. Being a resident in the PA area I can tell you this has been an absolute pain in the ass considering how I'm what I'd call a "forced consumer". I have to pay bullshit fees to just access the WWW and no choice on who its from. Verizon basically monopolized my area. Also they seem to amuse in continually raising/(more often lowering) my speeds and just continue to raise the price. Am I Adam Jensen right now because "I never asked for this." TL;DR: FUCK VERIZON
  4. User: KuroNeko51 Videos https://www.vessel.com/videos/G-DUjgUyY https://www.vessel.com/videos/eUUJ3a1aM Share: https://www.facebook.com/KuroNeko51/posts/660612634084770?pnref=story https://twitter.com/Sy_Noon/status/580459081795788802