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Everything posted by LinusSwagTips

  1. i just posted the most idiotic question ever please
  2. i've tried calling and they haven't picked up, i have to wait again for when their phone lines are open.
  3. I brought an msi-z77a g43 gaming motherboard of WAE+. On Gogle shopping the reviews for the website were decent and believable at first glance, the prices were only £10 off amazon's prices so they weren't too good to be true. SO... i brought it, 10 days later 4 days after the expected arrival they won't let me log in or answer my e-mals please does anyone know what to do. i'm desperate.
  4. nobecause lots of people will buy it no matter what it is
  5. no the original xbox came out in 2001 or 2002
  6. the original xbox was more powerful than pcs at the time
  7. we all know rockstar won't go to e3 but we can hope
  8. yes they are i think it's called, correct me if i'm wrong 'the evil withtin' made by the creator of the original resident evil game.
  9. why would you want to see more last of us when it has already come out?
  10. im most probably looking forward to destiny just to find out how it plays and if it lives up to the hype bungie are creating
  11. i would say uninstall it but i'm pretty sure you can't do that with uplay, maybe you should contact ubisoft.
  12. i am the second coming of jesus, developer of electronic arts and i want my prizes.
  13. Sometimes when stuff like this happens you might actually be gay and there is nothing wrong with that. It's like the first time a really hot girl walks up to you you might get nervous. I am not saying you are gay but there might be a possibility.
  14. how similar to each other are they? z75 is about £10 cheaper and i am on a tight budget, so it would be a great favor if someone were to help me differentiate between the two
  15. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Sony-inFAMOUS-Second-Son-PS4/dp/B00BF6D53M/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_nC?ie=UTF8&colid=2VTW7JWILQVH2&coliid=I1F96H5Q76YZBM http://www.amazon.co.uk/Sony-PlayStation-4-PS4/dp/B00BE4HOIM/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_nC?ie=UTF8&colid=2VTW7JWILQVH2&coliid=IOQH6YMZBVISH these aren't official but maybe a taste for what is to come.
  16. you do realise that you can get internal blu ray drive for £30 on ebay
  17. i am an advanced member, but i have seen junior members with over 100 posts so can someone explain what these rankings mean?
  18. the competion has ended and the winner has been messaged thanks for all the entries i enjoyed reading all of them feel free to add me as a friend, thank you.
  19. turn back in time, in an alternative universe where dreamcast sold like mad and nintendo didnt make any sales because of it. So sega would have the same amount of money as nintendo do today and roles would be switched. How well do you think sega would be doing today?
  20. either a crash bandicoot game or a sonic game. i cant remember precisely but i think it was a sonic racing game, not in vehicles or boards but like running, on pc does anyone know the name?
  21. not going to lie ps vita is quite impressive