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Everything posted by raendeu

  1. Anyone going this year? https://insomniagamingfestival.com
  2. It's an Online game. It's a Korean game. Are those PreOrders for this game for what country? Where am I connecting to?
  3. To everyone that plays Black Desert: https://www.blackdesertonline.com/news/view/58 Are those GMS/EU servers that this website mentions?
  4. So what are the resolution specs of both now? Both are the same at 2560x1080?
  5. I must admit, i see quite a difference with Crossfire. Awesome man
  6. I wouldn't mind the price, if the screens wouldn't be in such shit resolution. After I got used to 4K, seeing the black bars between pixels in VR was like a slap to the face. Considering the price, hell no. I tested the Vive with Elite Dangerous in 2015 EGX.
  7. I wouldn't say goal. It's probably just the amazing depth of the game, which is great http://www.gfycat.com/KeenFlawlessHarborporpoise Why can't you share gfycats as images : (
  8. Why would you ask for ram timings, it doesn't have anything to do with it The GPU is an absolute misery when it comes to gaming, so RAM does not even play any relevant part in this.
  9. Subaru WRX 2008 Hatchback or 2005 Sedan?

  10. Which is why I like it so much. But I also love a challenge. Vindictus was pretty challenging in it's fighting system if you have solo'd the challenges and bosses. But if all of the AI is just fodder, then it doesn't matter how amazing the combat is, you're just pressing button's to make things look cool. This game has huge potential, and to the point I'm ready to shell out the premium for it, even though it's free to play. I'd possibly enjoy it for longer than a normal game, so why not. But I would be ready to do that, if they'd address some of the Late Game issues some people raised
  11. From videos and some reviews I've seen it's pretty damn awesome. I would love to try it when finally the EU/Global version comes to life. I wouldn't even care about the lack of dubbing, just give me english subtitles and I would be delighted. How about the skill level? A lot of people say it's too easy?
  12. It reset my character from closed beta. Not playing this again. lol
  13. It's not the content that's the problem, imho. It's the resolution of the display. The black bars between pixels with that density, ugh. (Tested Vive during EGX 2015 on Elite Dangerous.)
  14. But we don't look back. We look forward. And with every new generation, it's more apparent that software is a hard barrier to push through, and the numbers have stopped to matter as much as they did before. Nowadays, the difference is couple frames, rather than 20+ per new generation.
  15. Yeah, but the current limitation isn't hardware but software. My 295x2 is lagging on Firewatch (Which is on Unity) but I still push through 60fps+ in 4K 4xAA in BF4. It's like fighting with brute force. I don't expect many improvements until the software is finally fixed. Couple FPS here and there, but nothing revolutionary will come to the scene. We can hold off the hype until the actual results of the GPU come out, as same thing happened with 390X as i mentioned. HBM and new gen GPU in fact just gave couple-sies of FPS in comparison to price-performance of 295x2. What you definitely can expect, is an overpriced first gen card, that will be overhyped to smithereens.
  16. So basically the same myth as HBM? You've got literally no source but hype?
  17. Okay. Everyone is so hop on Polaris, but do we actually have any confirmed stats? It was exactly the same with "390X" and somehow I'm expecting the exact same flop. "Yeah Yeah, new GPUs, yeah new generation, wow new cards, they're gonna be amazing" So was supposed to be 390X. HBM wow. I bought my discounted 295x2 before 390X came out and do not regret one thing.
  18. I'm having some shit frames on 295x2. It's ridiculous how unoptimised this game is, although it makes sense if it's made on Unity. I'll just wait for the drivers update, if one ever comes.
  19. Which is why you use HDD and not SSD. They're not, and never were designed for long term use and storage with constant overwriting. For god sakes, it's the very reason why you don't defrag your freaking SSD. What's there to explain? Over one gaming session I'm writing over 1.6Tb of gaming recording in 2560x1440/60FPS If I would make this thread - you'd probably recommend 2-3TB SSD? Which would die after a month of my gaming. You notice a difference whenever you're using your SSD, but that's only for core OS and gaming respectively. You do NOT NEED to SPEND money on SSDs for LONG TERM or in fact, any other type of storage. SSD is for quick write/access, not data storage. That is why I only have 330gb on my 550 EVO, and 2TB on my 3TB WD Black at any given moment.
  20. You're not hurting my feelings, you're hurting this guy's budget if he listens to you. HDDs are a thing, and your SSD fanboyism is just plain stupid. If you plan to use SSD as a long term storage, then I think that is literally THE stupidest thing I have heard all year round. "Just buy more SSD!" You're sounding like a Jehovah's witness trying to sell more bibles, or in this case - SSDs.
  21. The fuk you on about? I have a 512Gb SSD and 3TB HDD. If not for that HDD, my SSD would be rekt already because of the gaming recording I am doing on it. And I have not even once filled over 300Gb on the SSD at any given time. That is terrible advice you're giving. HDD is where I keep my movies, pictures, games that I don't bother installing on SSD, and totally random downloads. "HDD is dying move on" is literally the stupidest thing I've heard this year, but it's okay - it's only February, you still have time. I'm playing in UHD on 295x2 and it's fairly enough for 4K60 gaming. You'd be good enough with 2xSLI because 4x doesn't scale well, your price-performance goes to shit. CPU, You'd be good with 4790K as well, but that again depends on you. If you want to go with more expensive CPU for very little to none of the benefit, by all means go ahead