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Everything posted by Vegetable

  1. I ran an FX 8350 at 5ghz, and it bottlenecked my SLI GTX 580's. With perfect scaling, they were about equal to a single R9 280. That being said, even an RX 470 would bottleneck pretty hard, but its better than no card at all. I would say get whatever GPU you want, because the performance will be the same with a 470 as it would with a 2080 ti on that CPU. Just be ready to upgrade that poor fx because the gaming experience is very choppy on ANY of those chips.
  2. As long as it doesnt stay at that voltage for any extended duration, like you said, then it wont hurt it. Thats especially true since your temps are wonderful. To give some credit to that statement, my 4790k at 4.7ghz is set to 1.35v in the bios, but during stress tests its more like 1.365v. If I let a torture test run for a few minutes it will spike up to a max of 1.41v, but never for more than a split second, which is the DANGER ZONE for these old haswell chips. It's been on these settings for almost 2 years now, still does the exact same as the day I got it.
  3. Aside from adding another fan to the radiator, theres nothing you can do to make it any cooler. You could get a bigger aio but like you said, you dont have room for it.
  4. Single 120mm/140mm radiator AIO's are just not good. A half decent air cooler will perform the same/better at the same/lower price. I wouldn't recommend any AIO with a radiator smaller than 240mm.
  5. Yeah the 7700k single core 4ghz = 8700k/9700k single core 4ghz. There is VERY little upgrade to be had, only in a handful of games today would it help to have more cores/threads.
  6. Yes. I run both a 144hz monitor and a 60hz smart TV and it works perfectly.
  7. If you read closely theres an RX 570 in the PCPP build he linked. lmao
  8. Those temperatures are bad. It's probably been thermal throttling the whole time, but it simply has gotten worse with age due to dust/old thermal paste etc. You should look into how to open up the laptop, clean her out with a can of air, and repaste the CPU. It would be well worth your time.
  9. Well its clearly throttling to about 1ghz during that stress test as well. I can say its probably overheating.
  10. Aside from turning up the GPU fan, there's nothing that can be done. If it's any consolation, my old FX 8350 / GTX 580 SLI rig was an 800w monster, both 580s and the CPU were max OC'd. The 580's had a much louder blower cooler on them than your 2070 and the top card would touch 89-90*C during the summer months. It was fine, just loud and alarmingly hot. Last I heard both 580's run fine to this day. It doesn't matter that you're at 75c lol dont worry
  11. I will inform you of this as I've tried my best to stay in tune with PC components and stuff since 2012-2013. There won't be anything faster than a 2080 ti (except the Titan RTX which you mentioned) that will come out. RTX is new stuff and there won't be any follow up or refresh to make it any faster. That being said, SLI is optimal in 4k and I'm pretty hard pressed to believe a 9900k bottlenecked anything. If you built a PC with a single 2080 ti and a 9900k, the experience in 4k would be amazing. The Titan RTX would be a LITTLE bit more amazing I guess with a few more fps than a 2080 ti, but the price/performance of that is horrible. I can't say get SLI either because 2 years ago I was running SLI GTX 580's/570's/650tiB's and all of them had different amounts of scaling, none of which were consistently more than 70% on each card. Meaning at most, I had 140% the performance of a single card. It's a decent improvement when it works, but when it doesn't work it often lowers fps or introduces weird issues. About half my steam library was SLI enabled, and the other half not because it made it worse. I don't think its worth twice the power draw and heat output for mostly the same experience 98% of the time. So yeah 9900k/2080ti is best idea for tldr
  12. Uhh thats probably a bottleneck. Hear me out, on my 4790k OC'd to 4.7Ghz I can drop below 60fps in a few areas of the city and its entirely the CPU's fault. My Fury drops to like 80% usage and the i7 is at 95% usage maxed out on 4 cores and almost on the other 4 threads. An r5 1400 isn't quite as good as my i7, more like a 2600k at the same clocks. I'm willing to bet its a bottleneck for his 580. Those quad core ryzen 1000 chips arent anything special sadly.
  13. To be 100% fair, I lost brain cells seeing Linus attempt to glue a chip together. But, ITS LINUS. THE HELL DID YOU EXPECT? SAME MAN WHO SHOT A PSU FROM A SLINGSHOT TO SEE IF THE PACKAGING WAS GOOD? @LinusTech Thank you dad for your wholesome content I meant no disrespect.
  14. Yeah it will be fine until you upgrade in that case. My i7 4790k isn't massively better than your i5 and it holds up well.
  15. It may bottleneck a little bit in the newest of new games. It's a 4c/4t chip btw, no hyperthreading on i5's. 99% of the time it will probably be just fine tho
  16. We need more info bro. Whats your whole system specs? I might be able to provide some insight.
  17. Seeing as your minimum fps is less than 30 in ALL of the scenes, AND the average is below 60 for ALL of the scenes of the SINGLE benchmark you have provided, then yes, your monitor CAN process more frames and your 1080 ti REALLY can process a lot more frames than that. I personally turn settings down until my minimum fps is ABOVE 60, because below that just feels like crap to me. You average less than that, so you have a terrible experience if you ask me. Like I've said before, I had an FX 8350. Overclocked it to 5ghz with 2133mhz ddr3 on my kraken x61. It still BOTTLENECKED SLI GTX 570S. Those are slower than gtx 950s and they were held back by my FX. If I slapped a 1080 ti on that system today, it would get the EXACT same fps as my SLI 570s did, because they weren't the limiting factor in my fps.
  18. And thats simply false. CPU load doesn't change with resolution, it changes based on how many fps you have. Drawing 60fps in 1080p takes the same CPU horsepower as 60fps in 4k. So you definitely AREN'T getting any more fps than you were before by going from 1080p to 4k, because your fps is still COMPLETELY dependent on your poor old FX. All that the above quote from you proves is you actually don't know what you're talking about. Unless you went from say a 750 ti, which probably doesn't get bottlenecked by FX much if any, then your fps is identical because the CPU is the limiting factor and always will be.
  19. Thats just the part you're not understanding. This is how a CPU bottleneck works: once that CPU maxes out utilization-wise (100% usage), thats your max fps. It doesn't mean a single fuck what your GPU is, because it is being limited to however many frames your CPU can handle. So, with that being said, his 780 would get the same fps as your 1080 ti would, because its still being bottlenecked. You might be able to run ultra settings and get the same fps as his 780 would on medium, but it will never be higher than his. So you're getting <gtx 780 performance out of a 1080 ti.
  20. Consistently at 100% CPU usage maybe. Those minimum fps on the singular benchmark you have show me otherwise. Choppiness is worse than a consistently low fps, meaning I'd rather be locked at 30fps than go from 45 to 60 to 12 in 3 seconds. If I could shit out a 1080 ti right now and bench R6S my min/max/avg fps would be at least 50% higher than yours WITH THE SAME GPU. I dunno. If you're happy not getting what you paid for in terms of graphics horsepower then so be it. Have a blast.
  21. If you used an ancient i5 2400 you would see massively improved performance in terms of min/avg/max fps, and thats slow compared to anything new really. You just don't know because you've never had anything better. I went from an 8350 to a 4790k. I had my R9 Fury in both systems. In GTAV I could go as low as 60% GPU usage with the 8350, and now I can't get my i7 above 60% usage and the Fury hasn't dropped from 100% since I bought it. Your 1080 ti is just sitting on its theoretical hands waiting on an 8 year old chip with the performance of 12 year old chips to keep TRY and keep up. Quit being ignorant and pretending a 1080 ti belongs with an FX 8350. Hell, a stock R5 1600 would probably bottleneck a 1080 ti a LITTLE bit, and it cleans the clock of an FX thats on liquid nitrogen at 7ghz. And on that note of "good performance", if you wanted fps like that why didn't you buy an Xbox one x? You'd get similar performance out of that. lmao I'm really trying to be as nice as possible here, but theres just no chance your fps is nearly as consistent as you think. Look at the dude I quoted above's video. His Vega 64 is stomping your 1080 ti into the ground HARD, and that shouldn't even be a close race at all.
  22. Those terrible minimum fps numbers are why people say FX is dead. As a former 8350 owner, I can say this: my core 2 quad q6600 at 3ghz had the same CB r15 single core score as the 8350 at 4ghz. It has worse IPC than 10 year old+ chips. Any game like CS:GO that only uses 2-4 cores would run WAY better on a quad core ryzen 3 than poor old FX. It might be ALRIGHT, but its on its way out. I'd get rid of FX before 2020 for sure
  23. I've owned a 970 as well as my current Fury. I can say this much: the Fury is no less than 30% faster in any game/benchmark. Hell, even the 980 gets killed by a Fury these days, and they were competing cards back in the day.
  24. It really doesn't matter as long as you don't drench the board with it. Personally I've used 70% and it doesn't really make a difference vs 99%. Just don't be an idiot basically.
  25. Yeah based on that picture I can say that there doesn't seem to be enough thermal paste. Go buy a tube of NT-H1 and repaste her, and it should be good to go.