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Everything posted by grayblizzard

  1. Please know that 980ti sli at 1080p isn't worth it you definitely need a 1440p monitor
  2. you are fine however you cant really do any heavy ocing
  3. http://pcpartpicker.com/part/noctua-case-fan-nfp14sredux1200 http://pcpartpicker.com/part/noctua-case-fan-nfs12bredux1200
  4. a roast of a US president candidate?
  5. r9 380 2gb is best but please save for r9 380 4gb
  6. ahhh ok sorry just that increasing his vram usage would only hurt if he needed above 6gb
  7. he meant is his game not using the available vram
  8. what resolution are you playingat?
  9. gtx 970: (for nvidia driver support, ocing and 1080p) r9 390: (for multiple card setup, and 1440p and above)
  10. yes definitely you should have no issues and this gpu should be great gigabyte also makes great motherboards too so rest assured that the gpu should preform very well
  11. yes gigabyte makes great gpus and are one of the best on par with msi and evga
  12. well i would upgrade your case to match the rest of your build and your taste as long as you are with the hardware inside
  13. yes you will be able to run your gpu just fine really also this build like i said will run whatever game you want it to at 1080p
  14. yes this card is a newer version of 280x it is actually a better overclocker and has 4gb of vram not 3 this card will last at 1080p for at least 1-2 years
  15. cases are personal preference so if the cooler master is not good looking or sound dampening then yes if you like your current case then no
  16. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/978BRB