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Everything posted by grayblizzard

  1. I would just upgrade your gpu and if you still have problems prepare a new build after that
  2. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/TfmTzM
  3. https://de.pcpartpicker.com/product/yhtWGX/asus-monitor-mx25aq this one
  4. @Flyingfury here re is a slightly better psu that only brings up cost slightly: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/VMsNgL
  5. Sea sonic is known to have the best consumer psu, because of their component suppliers. Just search the cx series failing and you will find plenty of examples
  6. That would be good however I'm not sure your current mobo is compatible Czech with pcpartpicker
  7. It won't be any worse than your old CPU for sure but it won't be much better and it will bottleneck
  8. This is an amazing build for the price however if you can come up with an extra 50 upgrade to i5 6500
  9. I have been very pleased with my Sandisk of the same model it boots my computer in 10 - 15 sec and hasn't let me down
  10. Sennheiser most likely
  11. I guess what I'm saying is honestly they should reasses what their ratings are anyway as most kids play m rated games they should instead make violence more of a teen thing, and sexual stuff m and drug usage/alcohol usage should not contribute to an m rating when teenagers could use the stuff in real life a lot of the time.
  12. I understand that but seriously put disclaimers and say what it is most parents don't care anyway
  13. So I was just scrolling through steam and loving (sarcasm) the fact that literally every triple a title is M. Any game with a strong storyline is rated M. Heck now I know why minecraft was so successful because it wasn't rated M. I play some M rated games but my parents watch the games I play pretty closely and I guess are "overprotective". This leads me to look for some quality t games but honestly there aren't any, a lot of telltale games are even m I think soon that honestly the whole system is broken since 8 year olds play m rated games anyway. i know this seems like a rant but it truly is an argument that needs to be made for companies to at least make a couple of singleplayer games and multiplayer games a year that aren't intended for older audiences.Overwatch shows it's success
  14. If you plan to upgrade in the future to a better CPU (next year) keep it if not wait and buy the next lineup
  15. @TechguyES this looks like a great build for CPU heavy titles like mobas. Great build!
  16. This is a really good build with some extra money for shipping and wiggle room if you want a full arc mobo http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/LZpDkT
  17. Not for gaming, and not in general either but rendering will be better on the gpu than the CPU