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@Ashiella since you're the only one I know who predominantly plays this


So apparently Rainbow Six did some updated and are now being super critical on in game chat. Our friend warned us not to flame in chat. Well my other friend didnt listen and typed "me fgt" and got a (temporary) ban :D damn

  1. Br3tt96


    I play Siege quite a bit. Some words that you think would be banned aren't but others that are less don't? It's confusing

  2. Zando_


    One boi on a discord server I was on got banned for typing dabbing backwards (gnibbad) because it contained "nibba".

  3. Ashiella


    @TVwazhere the words that I know are banned: Coon, (any rendition of) Faggot (Including fgt, fag, f4g, etc.) Nibba, Nigga, Nibber, Nigger.

    Haven't seen any other bans.

  4. TVwazhere


    I'll pass that along. What about other subjective words like retard

  5. Ashiella


    @TVwazhere I don't think retard is one, its mainly offensive slurs and variations of it. Like how nigger is offensive to black people because its a slur or slang and not the actual word, negro (im 90% sure) isn't banned. but fag (a slur/slang insulting gay people) is banned. Coon, a slang for calling people obese (I think)
