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About Jord1990

  • Birthday Sep 06, 1996

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    The netherlands


  • CPU
    I7 4790k
  • Motherboard
    Asus maximus hero vii
  • RAM
    2x8 hyperX savage 1866
  • GPU
    G1 gaming 980ti
  • Case
  • Storage
    250gb 850 evo + 2tb seagate barracuda
  • PSU
    Evga 850 g2
  • Display(s)
    BenQ gw27ht (1440p)
  • Cooling
    Coolermaster Nepton 240m
  • Keyboard
    Gigabyte avia k8100
  • Mouse
    Razer deathadder chroma
  • Operating System
    Windows 7

Jord1990's Achievements

  1. I would like the keyboard. I have never had a mechanical keyboard and would love to see what all the fuss is about.
  2. Uhm you dont need to giveaway this much, but count me in.
  3. It'a under mouse then customize. It is called sensitivity stage.
  4. I don't know if you have a deathadder. If you don't you can still set up different profiles that can be changed from the Windows task bar. If you do have a deathadder though you can set up the buttons on the side to change to a different sensitivity.
  5. Lowering my dpi, disabling acceleration and then trying find the sensetivity that I'm comfortable at was a game changer for me.
  6. And here I'm still sitting playing far cry 4 with features disabled because they make the game or pc crash. Without a friend to co-op because he can't see half the enemies in my world. Don't forget the fact that to play rainbow six and farcry 4 with friends you needed to portforward, and some people simply don't have access to their router. Maybe if they even bothered to try and fix games months after release I could do my best to believe, but for now when I see that a game is made by Ubisoft I usually stay away from it. Cough watchdogs, AC unity cough
  7. Only have coil whine with my gigabyte 980ti when I go into the thousands fps wise.
  8. Ooh I was starting to save up for that ssd, but then Christmas came allong Anyway count me in for the giveaway.
  9. Witcher 3 for the story and absolute attention to detail.
  10. Meh western media is propaganda of what they want you to hear as well the truth is probably somewhere in the middle.
  11. I'm not defending the bastard, because if this is real he is an idiot that should know better then to go around asking 15 year olds for nudes. But!!!! People always shout pedo without the actual meaning of the word. You are a pedophile if you are sexually attracted to girls/boys that haven't gone through puberty yet. (get boobs and that kind of stuff) I'm 19 now and I would never do any sexual stuff with a 14/15 year old. But when I was 15 I remember feeling attracted to an other pretty female. And 1 boy and a girl in my class even did some stuff. That is something a prepubescent teen would never do. A Quoted from Google. Pedophilia or paedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children, generally age 11 years or younger
  12. @Faceman I don't know if you are still active but I could really use some help. The problems I'm having is that it's such a small difference in price to go for skylake, but I can never fit the ssd and monitor in the budget then. I was thinking off a 970 for a video card.
  13. Hello, So my friend wants to get his first gaming desktop and has a budget of 1200 euro's he does need a monitor with the build and would prefer an sad aswell. he plays all kinds of games from arma 3 to Battlefield and Rust. thanks in advance
  14. Well from what I've read which I cannot guarantee 100% it has been nearly unplayable on AMD systems because the ge has been horribly optimized for it. It might be worth checking steam review's
  15. Well if you are hosting a TS3 server you are giving out your external IP for people to join. Even if they don't have the password they'll still have your IP.