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  1. Contact your local GeekSquad, As a former Advanced Repair Agent we have dealt with this before. Our GeekSquad City is capable of assisting. AFAIK... IF you have AppleCare then they can send it for service/replacement of hardware. And pay for any hardware required. IF you dont have AppleCare then you need to pay a service fee and for additonal hardware.
  2. This would be a SMART buy to add to my Mobile VR Bag. It would be even cooler to show up to the family BBQ with all the cool toys...
  3. This phone is awesome, as well the skins look awesome too.
  4. The best thing about this Laptop is the Aluminum that is used. It just makes it beautiful! PS: the 18th is the day after my birthday
  5. /sadface You are correct, I hope it will soon change
  6. Hello, This is my first post on these forums. I have been a long time lurker and to this point I have not had anything to say worth posting. So a few days ago something was sent to me from a friend. I have known this friend for years at this point. We play League of legends quite frequently. His name is Lane Crichton, AKA Rhink. Recently he was diagnosed with cancer. Hodgkin's Lymphoma to be exact. Up until now he has not said much about his condition, other than that he has had been going to various doctor appointments looking for treatment. I know that he has recently started chemo. Here is his post that was put on Facebook. Inital post: Second post: After receiving this information, I thought to myself and asked where can I post this where people from a great community might be willing to contribute? I thought of the Linus Tech Forums! He does not know that I came here and told his story. I want it to be a surprise. I am not expecting much to come from this, but it would be great if a few of people that like to watch some people do funny things or a good game of league, to watch his stream. Please and Thanks for your time! PS: If you decide to help out then here is his donation page where you can send whatever you can. http://streamdonations.net/c/rhink . Again Thanks for your time! This is his twitch: http://twitch.tv/rhink -Crash™ @CrashTM