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Everything posted by YT2002

  1. Yes but the 950 is $20 difference than the 960. Some 950s are actually more expnesive than the 960
  2. In Australia you can get the 950, but it is so expensive. Here is the cheapest 950: http://www.pccasegear.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=193_1788&products_id=33068 and here is the cheapset 960: http://www.pccasegear.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=193_1732&products_id=30580 Not much difference in price
  3. I want a camera app for android that can do the following 1: Record in 16:9 720p 2. Give me more features in recording 3. Record to SD card (This is a must)
  4. Quick question, does amazon offer free/ cheap shipping on things like cables?
  5. From what i saw its 15 bucks plus $9 shipping
  6. The cable on my new microphone (Rode Smartlav+) is to short. Can i buy any extensions and use itn with the mic. I will be hooking it up to my Moto G 2014
  7. I can run my 8320 on a MSI 970a g43. You just cant overclock it
  8. ANd in australia pair that with 16GB of RAM and an H100iGTX you will be paying $949 http://www.pccasegear.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=187_1781&products_id=33095
  9. O ordered the RODE smartlav+ because of ShadowCaptain who suggested the mic for my use. I then read on the website that it is omnidriectional. Is it still ok for PAX coverage?
  10. Thank you for responding! And remember the words of Shia Laboeuf, JUST DO IT
  11. @nicklmg Are we getting moving vlogs on vessel. You dont realise how many poeple want it; just look in the comments on vessel. PLEASE. At least an update on the office
  12. If you were using the 2011 H60 that uses a design that Im not sure who made, no you would not be able to. The current one uses a Koolit design. The H100i GTX uses an Asetek design.
  13. Basket case and good riddance
  14. ITs because telstra cant be bothered putting money into making better internet because their new focus is helping ballet students. All they do know is sponsor so that they get peoples attention, but then they give us this. Luckily will be getting NBN and 100Mbps!
  15. I can but then at a certain point it doesnt show anymore vids