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Everything posted by XiaoPigs

  1. You will need a ship package first of all. Here's a link to the page where you can buy the game packages: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/single-ship-packages Cheapest one which will give you both alpha and beta access is the $40 aurora package After you get a ship package you can apply to join us at: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/UOLTT Other than that just have fun chatting up your fellow members I guess?
  2. LEL this video is so late about the SC thing haha. We have been third for quite awhile already guys and are growing by the day. We currently are at like 514 members(as of when I'm typing this) so yea. Do join us Also good luck to all those that enter the giveaways.
  3. Damn it we dropped down to second on the most active list Oh well. It's a weekday after all so I kinda expected us to drop anyways since the chat is so quiet.
  4. The No. 4 point just makes me sad :c What if we're constantly getting blown up by like other ships or what if we're like travelling often and have like an accident. Having to wait awhile seems like a bummer to me but yea I understand why they do it.
  5. Well we'll need to watch others do it first before we try Lest we fail the first time we go in to try and capture one and end up blowing it to kingdom come haha. Also I think the higher ups will be organizing this kind of operation so they'll announce it and probably give us a plan about what we're gonna be doing.
  6. Yea that's why during the November period, there was like a huge spike of pledges.
  7. No problem man and best of luck with college and all The UOLTT(Subject to change if possible ) welcomes you anytime.
  8. Currently the ones on the high council are Slick, the mods Blade of grass and ixi I don't know about Linus though And as for my recommendations for a military fighter, I would go with the Hornet if you can afford it. Otherwise the 325a is a good cheaper alternative if you can't afford to pay $125 for the Hornet package Remember you can always upgrade your weapons and customize your ship in game to suit your needs when it eventually releases into a full game.
  9. Don't be afraid to ask on this thread. There are plenty of people whom are willing to help you out
  10. We might actually overtake LAMP if our member gain keeps up. But as for Imperium, it's highly unlikely
  11. Just bought the Avenger package and applied Awesome to see us climbing up. LOL and glad to see Linus is a recruit HAHAHAHA
  12. Probably just gonna join the military or something. Feel like rising up the rank.
  13. Decided to buy another copy of Battlefield 3 so I could smurf and play. Besides it was only 10 bucks at the retail shop i was at.
  14. 3770k @ 4.3 geeegahertz using the H100i 38c Idle 65c Load
  15. My front case fans that I didn't bother switching out. With that said they are pretty quiet. They are the stock fan used in the front of the 650D
  16. Definitely if you always do a lot of important documentation and/or school work. Plus you save yourself the risk of getting your board and other parts shorted out or something. So yea a UPS is worth it, even for an average person if you ask me
  17. Well don't really have the time to go for a custom loop yet :p Besides I'm only getting about 53c at full load.