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Firefox, oh Firefox, why art thou a ball of cocks? Mightily browsing the web I was, opening tabs for any lost cause. Many a dickhead had bannage upon them, many a pornvid still had to be viewed, and even my youtube was not using flash, when alas you decided you'd rather just crash.

  1. Whiskers



    (in lieu of being able to 'like' a status update :D)

  2. Sharif
  3. foxhound590
  4. Rohith_Kumar_Sp


    Excuse sir, may i talk to you about chrome.jpg

  5. alpenwasser


    Alas, Chrome lacks the One True Extension upon which I depend for my browsing habits (Pentadactyl). Otherwise I would have switched long ago TBH. Firefox is just soooooo slow (which is actually even more annoying than the crashes). Ah well, maybe I'll find a suitable substitute for Penta at some point. Also going to give FF Dev Edition a shot in the near future.

  6. Rohith_Kumar_Sp
  7. alpenwasser


    Yeah, I've tried that one, along with some others, but so far they don't quite cut it yet for me. When I get the time I'll probably do some systematic fiddling around with their settings and stuff, see if I can get them customised so that they're close enough to what I wish.

    Thanks though. :)

  8. prolemur


    My ff cpu usage went from 15% to 2% after installing adblock

  9. alpenwasser


    Hehe, sounds about right. Already done that though, it's not that. It feels like FF is caching certain stuff, and then needs to reload it and re-render it, which is completely retarded on a machine with 16GB of RAM, obviously. I've tried to tweak caching settings, but things got kinda wonky. :D

  10. prolemur


    Ya that only lowered usage right after installing, but now its back to 15% usage and unbelievably slow. Takes 3 seconds to switch tabs, dafuq?!

  11. alpenwasser


    Only 3 seconds? You lucky bastard! :D
