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Is there a FAQ on how to check your Badge accumulation?

I should have at least a Contributor Badge!

Thank you guys for letting us little guys contribute.


  1. Spotty


    You can check your stats in the Web Control in Folding@home. If you click on user stats it will take you to your stats page.
    You can also check on extremeoverclocking.com. Your stats page is here. https://folding.extremeoverclocking.com/user_summary.php?s=&u=1040987


    There's a list of the requirements for each badge here and also where you can request a new badge:



    You have met the requirements for the contributor badge and I've added it to your profile 🥳

    It'll also show up next to your username & profile picture when posting on the forums (desktop). If you click the award it will take you to your extremeoverclocking stats page.

