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  1. Vessel Username: TomTime 2 favourite videos: https://www.vessel.com/videos/JYZEYDYx0 https://www.vessel.com/videos/CBR6_NDEI Shared : https://www.facebook.com/tom.krijnen.1 https://twitter.com/tomkrijnen https://plus.google.com/105032810123287518307/posts
  2. I would love those silent fans, all my pc does is make noise when I try to play a game.
  3. Static pressure fans as fast as possible PSU types as fast as possbile (80+ bronze, Silver, Gold, platinum) headset frequency response as fast as possible. Noise canceling microphones as fast as possible. Correct way to apply thermal paste as fast as possible NVIDEA Maxwell microarchitecture as fast as possible Virtual and augmented reality as fast as possible
  4. Are you havin any issues with you cooling, for instance with your CPU cooler? This would apply with your first post. I myself have had a similar problem with an old laptop before, and it turned out that is was just getting way to hot due to massive ammounts of dust and other material building up around the fan and CPU cooling area. You should determine what fan is spinning up when your PC crashes, if it is you CPU fan you should definantly check that area out. You can sereously damage a CPU by overheating it. Are you using an illigialy downloaded version of windows? this could also cause mayor issues. The last thing I could think off is just a plane old virus, have you downloaded any software lately that wasn't scanned properly, or came off a weird website? I dont know what kind of setup you are running, but according to some forums it could be a problem with your RAM, if have got high powered Ram installed you need to set a higher vdimm in your bios, you can check all this stuff using a program called HWMonitor. I don't know exactly how this program works, but it should help you out. You should ofcourse also check all your drivers, are you running the latest BIOS? do you have all your drivers (especially the GPU one) updated? I hope this helped