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  1. Gonna sleep on it. Still deciding if I want to mount it to the underside of my desk or not.
  2. New lifehack unlocked, thanks for the tip. I'd kind of prefer something smaller tbh, all I need is 4 outlets. I found one that has 1800J of protection, think I could get away with it? https://www.amazon.nl/-/en/gp/product/B08525D3DR/ref=ewc_pr_img_1?smid=A17D2BRD4YMT0X&th=1
  3. My skepticism comes from the possibility that it's just some dropshipped junk that is very much not up to spec with what it claims
  4. I was able to find this one at 4000 Joules, though the price and appearance have me kinda skeptical. https://www.amazon.nl/-/en/NTONPOWER-Sockets-4000Joule-Protectors-Independent/dp/B08ZKQ4125/ref=sr_1_78?crid=341S78H6IPZ67&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.ryhYDpPdhK1ezwwPuZLbRgQ8dQfFZEIf7Z8zBC4XQBFzOPtPziDdDSYdQHypLtFPvK23AsSMKMXtikiwjkjBrwFEt9lXYQyns63_lNm3q-A.PrLVreP4zmOstE44Gh7jwCWZtLYWLcUOWlLZv01_-kg&dib_tag=se&keywords=surge%2B%2B%2Bprotector%2B%2B%2Bjoule&qid=1711213957&s=electronics&sprefix=surge%2Bprotector%2Bjoule%2Celectronics%2C68&sr=1-78&th=1 Is 4000 enough to protect my PC (850W PSU), two monitors, and some 20W speakers?
  5. Here's one with 13,500A plastered right across the top: https://www.amazon.nl/-/en/Brennenstuhl-Eco-Line-Power-Strip-1159700015/dp/B002OJYK5G/ref=pd_rhf_dp_s_pd_sbs_rvi_d_sccl_2_13/259-3284924-4254015?pd_rd_w=9da0N&content-id=amzn1.sym.f6e9ebca-6850-40e9-8ca5-879edb62705a&pf_rd_p=f6e9ebca-6850-40e9-8ca5-879edb62705a&pf_rd_r=YHJCZYK6MZHECKPGHFWK&pd_rd_wg=tebvC&pd_rd_r=f2984e9e-36c9-41e8-b037-118675828952&pd_rd_i=B002OJYK5G&th=1 Maybe you can make more sense out of it than I could.
  6. Trying to buy a surge protector but I'm not knowledgeable enough to know what I'm looking at. I'm an American living in Europe so things are a little different than I'm used to. Do all surge protectors have a "Joules" rating? Some of them list 600/1000/1500J etc and some have no rating at all. Also confused about amperage ratings? The products I see are rated from between 13,5000 and 15,000 Amps. What does this mean and how does it relate to how much protection the unit offers?
  7. Good call, I was tempted a bit but even my Bose have a fine amount of bass. Why not?
  8. Trying to downsize my desk and I'd like to find a new audio solution. I currently have the Bose Companion 2 which I'm happy with, but they're too tall so I have them laying on their side under my monitor. I'd like to find something comparable that is more compact. Before someone asks, I'm not willing to put them on either side of my monitor. I have 2 screens, one of which is vertically aligned and off center, it would just be funky. I've got just a hair over 6 inches of space under my primary monitor. Should I just get a soundbar? I'm not an audio guy to begin with and I especially know nothing about soundbars. They do have the benefit of being very compact and minimal on cables which is a big plus to me. Not one with a big subwoofer though, has to be standalone. The other option is a super compact desktop speaker set like something from the Creative Pebble series. That's just one I found with 20 seconds of googling, happy to hear other suggestions. My budget is ~€200. Product has to be available in Europe.
  9. I recently upgraded my monitor and went from Gsync to Freesync. AFAIK these two technologies are basically identical. They are supposed to sync your monitor's refresh rate to the output of the GPU, displaying exactly one frame every time one is rendered. This eliminates tearing because the display is not trying to show two halves of different frames at once. Here is where my confusion starts: I am playing Resident Evil 8 with Freesync on and Vsync off, with a framerate cap of 116 and refresh rate of 120. However, I am still getting tearing. Not all the time, but it pops up fairly often. How I understand it is that Vsync is not needed with G/Freesync as long as your FPS is not exceeding the refresh rate of the display, hence the fps cap. If I'm wrong please let me know because this is driving me crazy. I triple checked that everything is set correctly. If I turn Vsync on, the tearing goes away. The only thing I can think of (if I'm not just wrong about how this all works) is that 116 is somehow not low enough of a cap? Is it possible that the game is spiking above 116 momentarily, too fast for to be compensated for? I was to be clear that this doesn't happen in other games, not even other Resident Evil games which use the same engine, so it's very weird to me.
  10. I literally just posted about this on a similar thread that I made. Confirming that the P14 emits an extremely annoying resonance/humming sound at exactly the RPMs you would want to use them at. I bought the 5 pack and used them all, they all have the same problem. Youtube video of the noise in question:
  11. Just an update for anyone finding this thread in the future: I will be returning these fans. The humming they emit is extremely annoying and nothing I do makes it go away short of setting the RPM so low that the fans are no better than the ones I replaced (<40%). Of course, the noise also goes away at very high RPMs, but at that point the overall noise level is so high that it doesn't matter. I found that the fans emit a constant or near constant noise between 40% and 60%, the ranges that I would be most commonly using. I did verify that the noise is not caused by several fans set to the same RPM. I attached each fan to its own fan header and tested them individually. Every one of them makes noise in the previously stated RPM range. Setting them all to the same RPM amplifies the noise, but setting them to different RPMs within the noisy range just changes the pitch so that you have five different, slightly quieter hums instead of one loud hum. I was able to find a video of the problem I am experiencing: It sucks but it looks like I will have to spend substantially more on something else that will not hum like this because IMO this noise is unacceptable if you value your own sanity.
  12. That's definitely possible. I need to find the time to get around to it but I plan to disconnect just the front fans and see if I notice a difference, then do the same with just the rear fans to try to narrow it down. Will also try different fan speeds, if 55% for example is a little bit louder but does not produce resonance I'll take that as a win. If none of that works, I might have to plug each individual fan into its own header to guarantee that they are not synchronized as I've seen some other posts saying that some fans will resonate naturally if too many of them are close enough in speed.
  13. I've only ever bought one used part, a GPU, and it was... totally fine. It performed exactly as expected. I did go in and clean the dust off the fans as well as re-paste the cooler but it didn't really improve things, the card was just kinda hot since it was a blower model. Overall I was completed satisfied and even felt silly that I had refused to buy a used GPU before. It's not like a car where the more you use it the worse it gets and it's really hard to shake that feeling.
  14. I made a diagram, probably better than a picture. Black are case fans, grey is the CPU cooling tower, red are CPU fans, and green is the GPU which has 3 fans on it. Blue arrows are the direction of airflow. Last fan on the GPU is a pass-through because it's a 30 series.
  15. The fans from the D15 are pointed in the same direction as the rear exhaust fan if that's what you mean.