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Everything posted by Memories4K

  1. I mean, to be fair, this is already at the end of the slippery slope in my view not even a hypothetical lmao Why do i need to register with the government to watch/read my degeneracy? What business of the government is it? >"Protect the children" I don't think people realize what a VPN is and how easy it is to use one as a kid, all this does is infringe on the liberties of the people, it won't actually help anybody
  2. Is he an actual marxist? Idk. I just dislike him for how he treated a lot of players and the Pewdiepie situation, extremely childish, chose not to buy Firewatch because of it. I don't think the lead protag being a black woman with a fro is virtue signaling though, it's very likely just a design they liked/fit for their protag.
  3. Well, I do have a raging hatred for people who tell me what color i can paint my house or what flowers i can plant in my garden
  4. Is this really a thing? Unions will tell workers to work less efficiently? Isn't there any pride in your work?
  5. I'm tired of government getting involved in the personal lives of others
  6. While it'd be nice to see micro-transactions/in-game purchases that are similar to the case like SW:BattleFront 2 get banned, we have to be weary with making it law. The legal system has a lot of nuances and, yes, this could permanently ban/heavily censor games that have gambling or open precedence for banning other "unsavory" content.
  7. Does anybody have any experience with webhooks on Discord using IFTTT.com or the like? I'm hoping to get some help, hopefully the correct topic area. Trying to get the webhook to post images via a reddit RSS feed (Using r/aww for cute puppy pics and a test) but it's been a while and despite content constantly being updated on the subreddit, the webhook isn't posting anything to the Discord server. Please and Thank You!
  8. So long as you're not traveling shipping it somewhere, you won't need to do much to keep it safe.
  9. "Hey guys! Let's ban all recreational use of drugs, prescription drugs, and alcohol so we can finally DO SOMETHING about these drug overdoses, cases of drug addiction and alcohol-related deaths in cases of drunk driving. If you don't support my ban on dangerous things for a safer world then the blood of these people is on your hands!" So insincere lol
  10. Let me guess, you think banning drugs and alcohol will stop drug addiction as well lmao Yeah, even if i were of the same opinion that guns should be banned, i don't see it as possible in the US; it's an integral part of our culture as Americans. >"If we take away guns, people will be largely more incentive to commit crime" >"And then that'll only prove those responsible gun owners right :/" lmao, c'mon man don't say it like that I don't think it could work, even if it was from the beginning. We live in such a globalized world now that people aren't simply going to pretend something doesn't exist, their desire won't go away just because it's never been legal in their lifetime. Mass shootings aren't the problem, it's the people who are compelled to commit mass murder that are the problem. You probably hear it a lot "Guns don't kill people, people kill people" but even banning guns won't do away with mass murder; it's just a branch from a much larger problem.
  11. I would love to invest money into mental health facilities, unfortunately, with taxes i don't get a choice as an individual to where my money goes. So less taxes on guns means more money i can donate, as an individual with power over where my money goes, to charity organizations that would improve the state of mental health many people suffer from. Taxing guns would, again, put more guns into the hands of crazy people because the poor could not afford them and thus would increase the blackmarket audience where safety checks and evaluations normally found in legal gun businesses would be nonexistent.
  12. It depends on the gun, and state in a few cases, but it's about about ~10% nationwide tax with many lobbyists trying to drive up the tax to ~25% nationwide and more. It's ridiculous and will only keep guns away from families of lower income, it won't get rid of people buying guns; it's essentially a tax that would ensure the poor would not have access to firearms and make protecting yourself with a firearm that much more a luxury that the more wealthy can afford instead of a tool that everybody can utilize. There's also the fear of blackmarket firearms making their way to people's hands because the cost of buying it legally is too high, meaning no need for any kind of weapon permit or validation that you are equipped to handle a firearm. NOTE: This isn't some Left-wing vs. Right-wing thing, i'm not bringing a political dive into this, just talking about the effects legislation as such would have.
  13. Guns are taxed enough; we need less taxes, not more. Because states already tried taxing alcohol and cigarettes even more but people made a fuss about their state government trying to steal collect more money. ^^^ It's not about being righteous, it's actually just about money and excuses to get your money.
  14. lmao Everytime i hear about Koduri leaving i can't help but laugh because we all know why
  15. No, that's not what i'm saying; i never said anything about being able to measure EXACTLY how much more neurotic, open, or conscientiousness a person is but simply that we already knew there was a discrepancy in which cultural factors were accounted for and compared to each other. Ok so hold on, you have a problem with any studies that show the difference between men and women, EVEN IN SOCIETIES THAT ARE MORE EGALITARIAN THAN OURS, because you can't be bothered to compare the data between regions of culture? Like that's fine, hey, it's possible that the reason why nursing is so female dominated in ALL THESE DIFFERENT REGIONS might be to reasons outside of the legal and social treatment of women (which is going to be hard for you to prove what cultural factors actually would matter outside of social and legal treatment) but then what evidence do you have that it's cultural outside of social and legal factors? It is some because, again, it's not a rule. No of course your environment also plays into this, the point is that even when the environment is accounted for when you compare the data you see that the impact has only maximized the variables left. No, there's not a set percentage of nature vs nurture; everybody is different within their own group, it's about comparing groups with other groups. Yes, you can reliably predict human behavior on groups based on psychology; that's like asking me "Well how do you know the group of people who like chocolate ice cream will actually choose chocolate when they all take a trip to the ice cream shop?" Well of course maybe there's some people who want to try something new or are bored with chocolate but by-and-large the "We love chocolate ice cream club" is going to pick chocolate ice cream. You're asking questions i don't have any problem with as if it somehow makes what i aid any less true. Do you just have a problem with psychology and the study of the human mind or something? Are you one of those people that hates therapy and thinks clinical psychologists are selling snake oil? hahahaha Outrage? What outrage? You mean the fact sexual dimorphism exists? lmao Women aren't inherently different in their behavior solely because of biology though? Why are you putting words in my mouth? I didn't go back to find evidence? It's already there, what are you talking about? hahaha Again, what are your problems with what i said, you've yet to contend with anything but go with "b-b-but this over here!" route on things that i never brought up or are relevant beyond the idea that you believe those "big bad doctors and researchers" might be lying and all these things you can't see with the naked eye must be a load of baloney.
  16. Are you a fucking moron or do you actually believe Rhousey could take Lewis on? You also know where that photo's from right? hahahaha lmao did you just google Rhonda rousey and take the first photo you saw of her and a dude? Rhonda's a fantastic athlete who's a better fighter than any of you here on the forums, but against another trained MMA fighter who's reached his genetic potential? Rhonda's got nothing. There's a reason Rhonda pussied out when she got called out to fight another male MMA fighter and a reason her transphobic ass was bitching about having to fight a trans-woman because it's "not fair" No it's not unheard of, you're not listening though; the genetic potential is different, and Rhonda's not stupid, she knows it herself but of course you don't follow MMA so you didn't know that. Of course not all men are the same, why are you so tilted? hahaha You're trying really hard to say things that are obvious to everybody else here that understood the context.
  17. No lol I'm telling you that's where the argument lies, i didn't say i was on the side that said it's ok to treat people differently just because they're gonna use something you made for something you don't agree with; such as the case of refusing to service a wedding due to it being against your religious beliefs. I have no idea where you would draw the line and what would be considered fair between the two, that's what i'm asking. Where is the distinction between the rights of consumers and employees? Why is it ok to discriminate based on political beliefs but not religious beliefs? Why is it ok to discriminate based on religious beliefs but not political beliefs?
  18. 1. No, it's not misogynistic or sexist to be sincere about people's biological potentials and talk about behavior patterns in animals. You gonna start advocating that female MMA fighters should also compete with the male MMA fighters? Sexual dimorphism is a real thing supported by basic fucking biology lmao and you'd be hard-pressed to find a clinical journal of psychology arguing that there is '0' difference between male and female behavior patterns that have been been recorded. Men also have their short-comings and common behavioral patterns, that's just the reality but it doesn't mean it's a rule you have to stick to or that Damore is at all saying that it should be the rule. It's not about telling people what they can't be, i'm a man myself and i'm working on my degree for Nursing. You have any idea how DOMINATED this field is by women? You ever wonder what it is about Nursing that doesn't appeal to the LARGE majority of men? It doesn't mean men can't be nurses and it doesn't mean men can't be good nurses, but it's just the reality that there will almost NEVER be an equal 1:1 ratio of men and women in this field. Even in more egalitarian countries and societies like the Scandinavian countries, you still see a MASSIVE disproportion of both men and women in fields. It's not about telling people what they can and can't be, it's about understanding why the situation is what it is. The reason men are such an extreme minority in Nursing i would bet is the same reason there's an extreme minority in women within tech; it's not that it's some "Male-only" space, it's that it doesn't appeal to a lot of women. I'm going to repeat it again, OBVIOUSLY NOT ALL WOMEN, just the VAST MAJORITY of women. And that's ok, because there's nothing wrong about wanting to aspire to what you want to aspire to, so long as nobody is holding you back. Which in these both cases, nobody is holding any of us men from wanting to be nurses much the same way nobody is holding women back from roles in engineering and technology. Damore didn't say women are inferior as people, simply explaining why there's not many women in the field and questioning the merit in sexual discrimination as a common hiring practice. 2. I don't give a shit, that's not what i'm talking about lmao Are they going to have a tough time proving that Damore was treated unfairly? Maybe, and by making such claims he should absolutely be responsible for bringing any evidence to the case that pertains to that claim. Is it hard to believe though from past experience, other accounts, and from reading the memo ourselves? Not even in the slightest.
  19. Damore didn't say anything even remotely misogynistic or right-wing in his memo, where are you getting this from? Apparently, pushing political agendas was the norm among Google's employees even before Damore; so why is Damore being singled out? Why the unequal treatment among employees? Like you're totally right, you shouldn't be using your work as a platform for your cause, i'm 100% with you, but Damore's memo was a response to the already very present agenda-pushing; James Damore being treated differently from his peers for the same "crime" is a problem that needs to be addressed.
  20. He's talking about having lost his business partners and not receiving his usual rate of income, what do you think he actually feels bad about? $$$. That's the source of his worry and concern. Nothing wrong with being concerned of your financial future but let's not pretend it's anything else that literally all of us deal with on a daily basis. Yeah, in the context of his abuse and failing business, it doesn't. I don't feel bad that Elric is depressed about the repercussions of his own choices, no. Being suicidal doesn't mean you get a reset card and everyone has to like you or pretend that what you did was ok. Again, nobody is going after or targeting Elric here. Nobody wants to see him kill himself and nobody here is egging him on to do. Stop being a little edgelord white-knight for your favorite content creator thinking we should all support somebody we don't even actively like. I didn't feel bad for Logan, i'm not gonna feel bad for Elric. ^
  21. Oh no. Hear that everybody? Somebody with a failing business is on Twitter saying they're thinking of killing themselves. We should all financially support this person, whom we have documented evidence of abuse, so they can get back up on their feet and continue to fail in their business. >"Give me money you goddamn heartless 'tards." Nobody is going after or targeting Elric, we're all just talking on this thread about what we think about this situation lmao You can be as edgy as you want and make your "demands" over this Malaysian techno-carpentry forum about how we shouldn't meme on abusive content creators who say they think of suicide because nobody likes their abuse, but that doesn't mean anything to us lmao
  22. The thing with Jay though is that he's never this malicious or outrageous; at worst he calls somebody an idiot and maybe goes on a Twitter rant if it's about a product or service (Like with AMD or that one liquid cooling vendor/manufacturer). I never got the feeling he treated any of us, the viewers, badly though. Like there's never been a case where i felt Jay was unappreciative or abusive. lmao