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Everything posted by BgG286

  1. Your mic isnt getting a good ground signal until you touch your case?
  2. There are many options for case lighting. There are convenient precut and ready to plug in solutions, as well as ones where you buy a roll of LEDs and cut and solder to the appropriate lengths. I know Bitfenix makes some of the easy ones but I don't know how much they cost. I personally went the DIY route because I wanted the light to go in certain directions and light up the entirety of my case for as cheap as possible. I got mine from Hitlights. There are also many different colors to choose from no matter what route you choose.
  3. Hey guys, I got one of those artscow $1 mousepads a while back since I never had an actual mousepad. Now, the problem is that I feel like it's a bit too small for me. The thought of a larger mousepad occurred to me, but I don't want to shell out for that right now and I don't really like how they would look on my desk. My solution to it would be wrapping they keyboard tray in felt or some cloth material similar to a mousepad to get a nice look and a large surface for my mouse. Do you guys think this idea would work or are there possible problems with this? Voice your opinions.
  4. umm..... I don't even....

  5. Split Second. I got sucked in by the hype and then it wasn't really what I was expecting at all. Paid full price for it and it was half off a few weeks later.
  6. BgG286

    interesting read http://elitedaily.com/music/ho…

    Good read, I never actually thought about how big of an effect all this really had.
  7. BgG286


    look at the link, it says B00B5
  8. Assetto Corsa, Race On, try and get Richard Burns Rally.
  9. BgG286

    3legit5quit https://scontent-a-ord.xx.fbcdn.net…

    3TB graphics. LOL
  10. BgG286

    my notifications: 12% actual forum interaction,…

    You were the one complaining, not me.
  11. BgG286

    my notifications: 12% actual forum interaction,…

    Umad Bro? LOL
  12. BgG286

    my notifications: 12% actual forum interaction,…

    For me its 1% Forum stuff, 90% SLS's status updates and 9% your status updates.
  13. BgG286

    TN. Good or bad? What do you guys think?

    I cant complain with my monitor. Its pretty good but I haven't seen better so I have no comparison.
  14. Yesterday, Woke up Ate breakfast Watched some youtube videos Browsed the forums Made a custom bracket to mount brakes on my road bike Repaired mychron mount for my kart Went dealer to dealer looking for cars Played SimCity (I am really enjoying it now that I don't have to worry about losing stuff) Watched more Youtube Sleep
  15. BgG286


    What ambient?
  16. BgG286

    And on this day 54 years ago, a wonderful racin…

    I need more people that do simracing. If you're into racing, there's no reason not to get into simracing.
  17. Ok, I guess I'll use that for now, thanks.
  18. I'd rather not, I'm trying to wean myself off of "acquired" things...
  19. For now thats useful for me. Have you used it before?
  20. Can you guys recommend any good free video editing software? I'm just looking to splice videos together. Maybe down the line I'll try doing some other things with it. I'm looking for something completely free, not just a trial. Thanks.
  21. Currently a junior in high school. To prepare for tests, I don't really study at all for most of my classes. For AP tests, and what would be finals, etc. I study A LOT. I don't usually do my homework though.
  22. BgG286


    Class of 2015 :/
  23. BgG286

    so can anyone explain WHY we have so many troll…

    Someone might have posted the ip somewhere?
  24. BgG286

    5K posts YE MANG

    5k posts bf4 party
  25. Quick, how much would you charge to speed up a computer, aka clean remove viruses, bloatwar3e etc.

    1. _ASSASSIN_


      bloatwar3e? anyways, $50 if they aren't tech literate ;) maybe $100 if they are stupid
