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Everything posted by NannerBeans

  1. Location? I would post it on eBay if you're willing to ship. That would be how to get the most out of it. Sell each part individually. The RAM can probably go for $90 shipped, $150 shipped for the motherboard, Maybe $100 for the CPU assuming you're in the US. You would get like $250-270 in your pocket after paying all the fees. If you want to sell them all together locally, you likely will need to give a bundle discount to get people interested so I think $250 would be a good price for all of it.
  2. I'm pretty mixed about Newegg. I shop there a lot and it's not perfect but if you have Premier membership, the experience is much better. I'm in the US so only have experience with Newegg US. Without Premier, they have restocking fees on returns which really suck and also they will not make exceptions to any of their policies. Once I requested a price match and they even replied saying my price match was valid but the competitor's price was too low so they won't match it. Luckily I was a Premier member so I called their Premier line up and requested a return for the item. They gave me the price match after I said I was returning the item because I was denied a price match. Customer service overall is much better on the Premier hotline and the waived restocking fees and free return shipping more than make up for the cost of the annual Premier membership if you shop there regularly.
  3. Yeah I'm probably going to chuck the 1 I used in the garbage and sell the other on eBay. Maybe someone else will like it more than I do.
  4. Dude if you don't like something, you don't like it. I don't need a few days to figure out that DBrand is complete junk.
  5. But this is not about getting better at something, this is about poor quality products. I think you're trying to compare apples to oranges.
  6. Sometimes you need things in hand to evaluate it properly. There's only so much you can learn from research and this isn't something like a graphics card where you can just look up benchmarks online.
  7. If the product is good, you shouldn't even need to become accustomed to it. It's supposed to be an improvement which is why you spend money on it.
  8. I never said I was entitled to a refund, I was merely wondering if they had a satisfaction guarantee policy. You are twisting my words. I never said they were required to give me a refund, I was asking a question about their policy. Yes, you did. You said refunds generate waste. That's not true. The waste is there already. Only thing a refund does is gives money back. If someone doesn't like something and they don't want it, it's going to get tossed out whether or not they get a refund for the item.
  9. Not what I was saying at all. I was wondering if DBrand has a satisfaction guarantee policy or something like that since that is fairly common. BTW, refunds don't generate waste. It's going to be thrown away refund or not so it's not adding to waste. The waste is already there. Just a matter of if the company is willing to stand behind their product.
  10. I purchased 2 DBrand skins because the back of my G6 is cracked in a corner and because I heard about them from Linus. Fast-forward to today, I received my skins and they feel god awful. Like every time I pick up my phone with the wrap, it feels like a toy. I peeled it off after an hour. Has anyone been able to get their money back from DBrand when you haven't liked the product you bought?
  11. It seems like everyone likes 27"+ screens these days but I personally prefer smaller but the 22" on this 1 is too small. I recently got 1440p 25" monitors and I think that's the best ratio. PPI on that is right around 117.5.
  12. It's 3000mhz and considering hardware in Canada is a bit more expensive, I'd say $150 CAD is a very fair price. I sold a 4x4GB kit of 2800 for $100 USD so 3000mhz + it's in Canada, I'd add another 20 USD to it which is right around 150 CAD.
  13. Depends on where you sell it. On forums, expect it to go for $150-165 USD if selling in the US. It may be higher in Canada. On eBay, looks like you can sell for ~$175-$190 but after fees, you're looking at about the same amount in your pocket. Canada prices will be different because of higher hardware prices over there.
  14. Yeah I was going to mention this but I was too lazy to write out the equation lol.
  15. Also, the first part of the 2nd line, you can't add 1/1, you can only multiple by 1/1. Edit: You can't cancel like the way you did at that step either.
  16. The last part in the top row is wrong, you can't cancel like that.
  17. In addition to what GoodBytes said, a legit service would not have said "Dear Valued Customer." They would actually know your name. Also, there should be some way of looking up the transaction other than an email as well as less colored text. I would just block the buyer and move on. Don't deal with him even if he is willing to pay with Paypal.
  18. Lmao. You have no idea what you're talking about.
  19. The number of customers that build multiple PCs is very small. Having loyal customers in this industry is less important than others.
  20. I'm pretty sure the profit is higher when raising the price. No matter how many pre-orders you get, you can only sell what stock you can get.
  21. But that's their choice. If they're able to profit using the different method than they are welcome to.
  22. Wouldn't you though? At normal prices their profit margin is probably 5-10%, maybe even less than that. But suddenly people are willing to pay double for the card and their profit margin jumps tenfold to 50%. It's easy to say those retailers are scummy for moving up the price but that's how a free market works. If demand goes up, price goes up.
  23. Never do partial refunds. Always ask for the item back and then refund. Although in this case, if you were just giving him extra stuff, then that's different. If he agreed to paying a premium price for the GPU and taking the other stuff for free, then he pretty much waived any protection he had for the free stuff. If this happened to me, I would offer to take everything back for a refund, and not just the motherboard that's dead. I'd consider it a package deal that can only be returned together which is what retailers do when selling combos.
  24. My guess is that the limit isn't about what it looks like initially, it's about the limit at all times, like that is the max number it can display at any given time. So when you open the spoiler, it can be seen. Personally I think long sigs are terrible because they are pointless. No one reads them. People actually read short ones.
  25. I made a very important update that was long overdue. Never use anything other than Paypal Goods & Services. Using anything else is unsafe.