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  1. I am currently building myself an off grid solar system with the intent of powering my computer from solar. I was planning on getting a 1000W pure signwave inverter which I will probably continue doing as it will let me use a UPS an a changeover switch to flick me back to the mains when the battery runs out. However, having watched a video by Thomas Sanladerer Recycling batteries to power my Unraid server from the sun! and if I understand what he has said in his video he has a DC-DC buck/boost converter and feeding the 12v rail on a normal ATX power supply. I can understand why that might work, most PSUs take the 12volts to make the 5v and 3.3v. I am a bit worried about what might happen to the AC side of the PSU. Does anyone have any experience of doing something like this to a PC with a 750W PSU?
  2. Does the folder `C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\Composer\vendor\laravel/installer/` exist with files in it?
  3. What happens if you try running the command like this: `C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\Composer\vendor\bin\laravel`?
  4. In Command Prompt can you double check that the Composer bin directory is in your system's path by running the command `echo %PATH%` it should be something like `C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\Composer\vendor\bin`, sometimes CMD doesn't see it properly.
  5. I'm not completely sure what you mean here, do you mean you installed the Laravel Installer globally? https://laravel.com/docs/5.5#installing-laravel
  6. I do not agree that it detracts from the video, as I do not care. Although my first though was is Linus going through another emo phase?
  7. If your planning on steaming HD movies from it a Raspberry Pi might not be what you want. The Pi uses a USB powered 10/100 network card (seems to cap at about 40mbps) and the processer has support for 1 USB 2.0 port with has a USB Hub on the Pi itself. You most likely will want more storage which means an external USB HDD so your both downloading from USB and upload to USB. The Tinker Board would probably be a better option, as would the Orange Pi Plus2 (which has a SATA interface and gigabit networking). I built myself a server out of desktop parts with overkill cooling so it was fairly quite. Something based around a mobo with CPU soldered onto it like the Gigabyte GA-N3050M-D3P could be interesting (2 SATA ports and full size PCIe slot for an extra SATA card if you wish). But if all your doing is saving documents to a folder RasPi would be fine, so it depends what you want to use it for.
  8. I agree with you Linus I would feel very uncomfortable giving this to my child (if I had one). I really hate that law agencies can use CCTV with facial recognition could track me pretty much everywhere I go, I don't feel that I should impose this on my kid incase they feel that if it is ok for my parent to do it, it must be ok for my government to do it too. Weather through GPS or for example monitoring their internet usage (which is now law in the UK where I live) when they are older. I feel this kind of president is dangers to set for my children, unfortunately I think that so many parents will do it without considering the potential seen, or unseen ramifications of tracking your children. With that said I am interested in this product for a different purpose, I would like to strap one to my bike so if anyone tried to steal it I could track them with it.
  9. I have seen someone with the a short throw video projector like this in their home entertainment. They mentioned that he has a problem with dust on the lense, has LG got something to help with that?
  10. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In ut augue nunc. Cras tristique felis vitae velit venenatis, at ullamcorper nulla consectetur. Donec id erat ac mi euismod efficitur vel non eros. Aliquam sed tellus aliquam, porttitor leo at, egestas est. Ut quis tortor ut leo gravida maximus. Nunc non lobortis odio, et gravida ante. Curabitur in ligula elit. In nec mattis dolor. Proin in sem orci. Sed et venenatis nisl. Phasellus ac accumsan odio. Suspendisse potenti.
  11. I like that this laptop has been used to break a world record. I feel so cheap, you have tricked me into registering to your forums just for a chance to win a laptop... I guess it was inevitable really... Congratulations on the record, that looks awesome, I would love to have been part of it!