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About this blog

Welcome, my friends, to the greatest collection of words ever written. Yes, I know that this kind of thing is subjective, and that I often forget about unimportant things like forming a proper sentence. Many experts on the English language will probably say my posts are the worst thing they've ever read, even compared to an owner's manual for a Chinese washing machine, but they are wrong. Those other written works were made by people not brave enough to say Canadian Internet service providers are bad. This one was.

Entries in this blog

The Dell XPS 12 Had a Very Serious, Very Stupid Design Flaw

There's an Olde English saying out there that goes something like this: He who buyeth a laptop just because it looketh cool shall risk developing cancer. OK, maybe I made that up. Still, I feel like this is one of the most interesting design flaws to ever come out of the tech industry, and one that deserves to be far better known because of just how pathetic it is. When Dell launched the original XPS 12 in 2012, it was marketed as a "MacBook Air and iPad melded into one device," despite


AudiTTFan in Forgotten Tech

ScrollPoint: IBM's Attempt to Reinvent the Wheel, Literally

Over the years, IBM has introduced some of the greatest and most fondly-remembered peripherals in the history of the PC. Whether we’re talking about the venerable Model M, or the TrackPoint that made laptops far more intuitive at a time when they usually sacrificed too many features to truly replace desktops, it’s clear that IBM knew what they were doing in the late 20th Century. Today, however, we’re taking a look back at a product that didn’t quite develop the same kind of following.  


AudiTTFan in Forgotten Tech
