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About t0m4s

  • Birthday Sep 12, 1995

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interests
  • Biography
    born in the east, raised in the west
  • Occupation
    University Student


  • CPU
    Intel Celeron Dual-Core 847 GHz Processor
  • Motherboard
    it's a notebook
  • RAM
    2GB stock from notebook
  • GPU
    Intel Graphics
  • Case
  • Storage
    Toshiba SSHD 500GB
  • PSU
    notebook power brink
  • Display(s)
    notebook screen
  • Cooling
    Votre Notebook Fan
  • Keyboard
    stock notebook keyboard
  • Mouse
    Logitech G600
  • Sound
    Logitech G230; Logitech Z103
  1. sorry on the above i already said that i got a case, i meant that's the case that i will be choosing because of linus ultimate compact SLI build guide. so if there's a better case also let me know. and i'm also going to install a sound card if possible. so i'm only going to utilize three slots of PCI on the rig.
  2. mainly it's for gaming. and i only play PS2 emulators. i need the CPU to have great onboard graphics because sometimes the software renderer is needed in the games i play. i'm also going to be playing some skyrim, and more AAA Games. for the budget i'm ready to set aside around Rp2.500.000 or US$250. i already got an mATX case, the bitfenix phenom. and i'm thinking about Crossfire/SLI on the motherboard. so what do you guys reccomend? BTW thanks to set aside the time to answer my questions:)
  3. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone:D

  4. hello guys i'm gonna say first and foremost marry christmas and happy new year to everyone on the forum. finnaly got an internet connection :mellow: so i'm planning to ditch my notebook and save up on building a proper PC, and my friends told me the most important thing to consider to buy is the motherboard. my choice will probably from intel, but if AMD is better please tell me. so i'm a little set back because the latest chipset is Z97 and the socket is the LGA1150. but the chipset doesn't support DDR4, which is sort of amusing. and i know jack S**t about the AMD side. i was going to go on buy the Pentium G anniversary edition for starters, so i can upgrade to something like an unlocked i5/i7 down the line. but i'm afraid if the socket changed because the chipset hits the "9" barrier and i'm afraid if intel changed the socket, standard, or anything. does AMD got the same problem as the intel side of things?? please help me to choose wisely :unsure: and please teach me how to pick motherboards carefully. i'm thinking of buying a mATX size motherboard. what chipset and brand should i take? and what about the LGA1151 socket from intel? because when i heard about it on the WAN Show, all i remember is the BASS and DUBSTEP of LGA.....11....5.....1!!!!!!!! (goddamit slick ) Sorry if it was badly structured or badly typed. but i need your help.
  5. Un-Freaking-Believeable how generous is intel. i just knew what a nuc is from the internal/external exhaust video. would like to get my hands on one:)
  6. The side power button and also the dedicated camera button will be really good. and also the water proof and updated amazing screen will be a surely welcomed feature. huge thanks to dbrand because if it's not because of them linus and the gang won't be doing the review of the Z2 and for making that ballin' out custom skin. i surely wish that they also send one for linus. just think how much rep you'll got if you say "i'm rocking out the same phone my favourite youtubers is using":D
  7. SOPA, PIPA, and now MAG;( noooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. well i'm just here hoping that fifa15 will come to pc and not a console exclusive.
  9. LINK TO THE VIDEO http://youtu.be/5wrPfyFEX2w So a youtuber by the name of KSIOlajideBT, is now an ammbasador for GFinity.net to make FIFA into Competitive Gaming. in the video he rants about how "Shitty" Websites such as WorldGaming and GameBattles are not enough and slowing down the progress of FIFA. he wanted so that FIFA will be a competitive gaming platform up there with DOTA2, Starcraft, and CS:GO. He asked GFinity.net to add a lot of features. ADDED FEATURES: Pro Clubs from 2v2 up to 11v11 Ultimate Teams Wagers and Bets Matchmaking (cause the EA servers suck) Cups, Tournaments, and Leauges So the question is, will this feature be available to PC gamers as well? because he is a real console fan boy and I don't want to waste money on an XBOX. and will FIFA really make it into competitive gaming? now i don't know how much there is in the TechTips Forum that loves Football, but because i love it and i love FIFA, i just want to bring this up. and also it's still near the football fever:)
  10. gotta wait for the WAN Show archive to see the results. really hope that i win.

  11. had to sell my ASUS X550CC because of college. thinking about getting an ASUS 1015C, it's just a netbook, but it's ASUS:)

  12. link to the news: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/07/09/boffins_slapped_by_one_thousand_wobbly_bits_after_wiped_phone_probe/ In response to a previous topic that Linus and Luke covered on the WAN Show, they didn't cover about this one. http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/179867-your-abandoned-smartphone-may-betray-you/ So along those massive amount of files that Avast found, they also found 1000 pictures of naked women and men. they also added that from the thousand of disturbing pictures and also other files that they can dig up, one can easily track down the individual that owned that phone and use the dirt they dig up against the previous user. my question about this is..... avast found 1000 naughty pics on 20 android devices? either those 20 people are super perverts, or they are 10 year olds that just found out what sex is.
  13. 10 dayz until break:D

  14. really true. when i see another crappy zenbook video review on youtube i will flip. thank god linus is here for us