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About Sincostan

  • Birthday Jun 07, 1999

Contact Methods

  • Steam

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Manitoba, Canada
  • Interests
    Hockey, Dirtbiking/MX, Paintball and PC gaming.


  • CPU
    i7 6700k
  • Motherboard
    MSI Z170A Gaming M7
  • RAM
    16GB DDR4 G.Skill RipJaws V @2400Mhz
  • GPU
    MSI GTX 980 Twin Frozr
  • Case
    Corsair 300r Windowed
  • Storage
    1TB HDD and Corsair Neutron 120GB SSD
  • PSU
    Corsair RM850i
  • Display(s)
    BenQ XL2420Z
  • Cooling
    Corsair H60
  • Mouse
    Razer Taipan (BF4 edition)
  • Sound
    Astro A40 Orange
  • Operating System
    Windows 8.1
  • PCPartPicker URL

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  1. I used to have a i5 4670k and it only used about 50% and I got the same frame rate. I was comparing the usage of Arma 3 compared to other game. For example: Arma 3 uses about 40% of my CPU as where as games like GTA V, Cities Skylines, ETC uses about 60% or so. Arma 3 uses less than most games.
  2. It would help if I knew the rest of your build. Side note: Arma 3 is not very CPU intensive, I have a i7 6700k and while in a game Arma 3 only uses about 40% of my CPU. That is lower than most games I play.
  3. Would love a new SSD. Only have 20GB free on my 2 drives combined. Hope I win!
  4. Running better now? I still suggest doing a clean install.
  5. *Face-palm*, well he's a lost cause. Don't know if there is much point in trying to explain.
  6. Use DDU (Display Driver Uninstaller) to clear all your drivers then go and get the most recent drivers.
  7. Roughly 20GB. That's just going off my Win 8.1 size.
  8. Then I would go with the one you picked out. Just make sure you keep drivers and Windows updates under control because they can rack up a shit tonne of space very quickly.
  9. Its fine to use for OS as long as you have another SSD or HDD for all your games/other files. But as RaptorCandy said I would suggest getting a 250GB SSD if you can afford it. If you can't the one you have pick out will do just fine.
  10. Kova looks amazing! Would love to have one. Thanks for the giveaway!
  11. Depends, if you want to overclock get the k. The ability to overclock and the performance gain outweighs the price premium.
  12. Don't know. The only thing I can think of is make sure you have it on tight enough.